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来源:可可英语 编辑:Villa   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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Mark and Jingjing are schoolmates, and are talking about other people who go to their school.

dialogue 1

Jingjing: Do you _________that girl over there?

Mark: Who? The one in the_____________, __________ a book?

Jingjing: Yeah. I've __________ she always sits __________. Even __________ class, she reads her __________ and________ talks to anyone.

Mark: So __________?

Jingjing: Well, I just think it's a __________, that's all. She seems like a ___________.

Mark: You'd probably have to ______________ to find out __________ she __________[[with them. It looks to me like she's just a little__________.

Jingjing: That means she doesn't__________ people, right?

Mark: No. It means it's __________ for her to talk with people than it is to ________.

Jingjing: ___________ could it be __________to talk with people? Talking with _________

Mark: You might __________ it that way. I'll bet you're quite__________. People might say that you _________

Jingjing: Okay, ___________. I usually have to __________ my _________ when I have_________ in my studies.

Mark: So, next time you have __________, try _________ with that girl. She might take a while ____________, but if she can really _________

dialogue 2

Jingjing: I _____________ that girl, she's always __________, even __________ class.

Mark: What? It's __________ if people t_____________. Otherwise, they might__________.

Jingjing: Yeah, but you've seen her too, haven't you. It never __________: _____________

Mark: Okay, I'll __________ it: she's a __________. That's kind of__________, though. You could ____________ from her.

Jingjing: I need to learn ______________? Yeah, right.

Mark: I mean, she's __________. ______________, next time she goes to____________ someone, you'll see a __________ come to the ____________.

Jingjing: She can do that. ____________.

Mark: Oh, __________! She looks ____________, but just about the __________ as you. Actually, most people can ___________ make-up and__________.

Jingjing: Hmm. I could probably do something _____________. It used to be __________, and I could do all _____________ with it.

Mark: That sounds good. You should also__________ being more __________. _____________ and talk to ____________ out of each classroom. It might not be ___________, but it's __________trying.

dialogue 3

Jingjing: How was your __________ last night?

Mark: Uh, you need to know __________ things about it: it wasn't a __________, and it wasn't __________.

Jingjing: O-kay, __________it was, and __________ it was—__________ was it?

Mark: Well, __________.

Jingjing: You mean you didn't__________ them, or you didn't__________ them __________?

Mark: I didn't like them__________.

Jingjing: Why not, they both seem____________ to me.

Mark: People are always__________ to you. You're so__________, any______________.

Jingjing: I'd ___________ if they were really __________ or ______________. What did those girls do—____________? Did they ____________ things at the _________? Did they try to ________ one of the __________?

Mark: No, they_________, I guess. I just ___________. By the time ________, I wasn't __________ and just wanted to __________

Jingjing: I've __________ those kind of ______________ before. It's good for you to pay attention to your____________.

Mark: I told you, _____________!

new words and phrases


you've got my number: 

to warm up to <someone>: 



go out on a limb:

<abstract noun> just rolls off someone: 


重点单词   查看全部解释    
chatterbox ['tʃætəbɔks]


n. 喋喋不休者,话匣子

haven ['heivn]


n. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,

limb [lim]


n. 枝干,树枝,肢体
vt. 切断(树枝,手

abstract ['æbstrækt]


n. 摘要,抽象的东西
adj. 抽象的,理论





