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英语PK台(MP3+文本) 第1268期:趣说酒桌文化

来源:可可英语 编辑:Villa   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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dialogue 1

Jingjing: Mark, you're looking ______ this afternoon. How's life _____ you?

Mark: I'm feeling ______. Thanks for ______. I'm afraid I might not be in such ______ condition tomorrow, though.

Jingjing: ______ What's the matter?

Mark: Well, I've got to go to this _____ with my ----, as well as an ______ who I'm told likes _____.

Jingjing: Oh, let me guess: you're _______ that you'll be ______ to drink ______. Is that it?

Mark: Yep, ______ because I'm one of the _____ guys in my office. That investor might __ and get me to----- my ______.

Jingjing: I hope that doesn't _______, Mark!

Mark: We have a couple of ______ colleagues who work _____. I'm trying to see if they're_ to the -------.

Jingjing: Hmm, it's always _____ to know who's _______ and who's not. But, actually, I think you might be _______if it's just you and the-------- who are male. The trouble _____ when almost everyone is _____, and they try to get someone ____ while everyone_______.

Mark: Yeah, that ______. Anyway, I wouldn't be _______ if the investor ______ to be a _____ who _______ to the-----and therefore can't have a ______.

Jingjing: I bet you'll _____, Mark. Anyway, a little ________ at a party like that is---------for people to _______. It's a sign of__ when you take big ______ and accept ______.

Mark: I know. I don't mind _______ my heart to these colleagues; and if that _____ to drinking--------e glasses of _____ liquor, ------------, I _______.

Jingjing: Well, I hope you don't take it _____. Next time we talk will be before that --------------. So, I'll have a few ______ ready for you, to avoid ______.

Mark: Thanks _______, Jingjing!

dialogue 2

Jingjing: Mark, good to see you again. You're still_____ for that banquet _____, right?

Mark: I sure _____. I got the _____ of the restaurant, and read _____ that it's famous for ______.

Jingjing: Oh, that's cause for ______. So, are you ready for my ______?

Mark: Yeah, I'll even take ______!

Jingjing: OK. First of all, ---------- 干杯, it doesn't ______ mean that you have to ______ your glass, it's just a way of ______ cheers and _______ others to take_ sips.

Mark: Yeah, I learned that the _____ several years _______.

Jingjing: Here comes the ------- then: _____ your glass back and make it---------you're _ a big sip, but don't actually ______ much. That way, _______ who are --------- the table for ________ will not choose you, as they see your glass still at _____after several _______.

Mark: That's easier _____ than _____, Jingjing! Folks always ask me, hey, ____your glass is still more than _____?

Jingjing: Don't worry about it. You just want to _________ at the beginning. Don't be that guy who starts _____ before anybody else.

Mark: ______. I'm much less ______, now that I have a ______ to talk about this with a friend.

Jingjing: I'm glad to _____. So, my ---------, if _______ comes to _______: ______ a little baijiu out into your _______, while----------------------. The alcohol will _______ from there.

Mark: That's kind of a _____. I hope I won't have to use it, though. I really want to _______ my host's _______.

Jingjing: I don't think they're going to _______ you. So, finally, my---------- is for you to _______ after the------and _______ have done it. ________ you're a little drunk, and _______ that you shouldn't have much more to drink, then take a-----------after your _______.

Mark: I like that, especially if I they haven't ______ till then.

Jingjing: Right. Just _______ my three or --------------, and you won't have to have _______ or _______!

new words and phrases


to put away the booze: 

to single someone out:


to knock back <a drink>: 

to get toasted: 

a heavyweight: 

to get wasted: 

to antagonize <someone>: 

make like <something>: 

to drinking <someone> under the table: 

a wooden leg: 

a stomach pump:

重点单词   查看全部解释    
sip [sip]


n. 啜饮
v. 啜饮,啜

tolerance ['tɔlərəns]


n. 忍耐力,宽容,容忍,公差

pump [pʌmp]


n. 泵,抽水机,打气筒,抽水,打气
v. 打

banquet ['bæŋkwit]


n. 宴会
vi. 宴请
vt. 宴

antagonize [æn'tægənaiz]


vt. 使成敌人,使对抗

alcohol ['ælkəhɔl]


n. 酒精,乙醇,酒

haven ['heivn]


n. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,

avoid [ə'vɔid]


vt. 避免,逃避

investor [in'vestə]


n. 投资者





