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第667期:恋综"strong哥"被嘲出圈 网友: 兄弟, 你好像装过头了!“死装”用英文怎么说?

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In today's Buzzword Mix, our buzzword is flex.

Unlike a lot of our other buzzwords, flex is more of a modern day slang.


So flex, like most slang on the internet, has a story. The story of flex began at the gym.

So originally, to flex means when you're training in the gym, you are trying to show your muscles.

Flex这个词的本意是那些撸铁积极分子, 为了要彰显自己的肌肉的时候, 让肌肉充血的那些动作, 这样的一个行为叫做 flex.

So this word was used to flaunt one's physical achievements after spending substantial time working out for them.

Now even nowadays you can still say to flex, like to flex to show your muscles. So originally flex was all about the bod, your body.

But today, netizens have broken the barriers of the stereotype behind the word's usage and have pushed it further to any aspect a person wants to show off.

不过在近些年的flex在俚语界已经妥妥的走出了健身肌肉, 这样的制约直接就变成了炫耀, 显摆, 秀这样的一个意思.

So when you see flex on the internet, this isn't necessarily about gym, it's pretty much synonymous with any kind of overt celebration that may or may not be based on achievement.

1 What is the flex story and how did it get so popular?

到底什么是 "Flex"

Like I said, flex is a modern day slang. And most of the slang that we use today was influenced by say music, hip hop, rap in particular.

So the earliest record when flex was used to mean more than just bodily tightening was in the 90s when rappers started to use flex to mean something that is not just about the gym.

So nowadays it's used almost as the equivalent to the word flaunt.

英语里有个词叫flaunt, 也就是炫耀的意思to show off. So pretty much, this is what flex means.

Of course it's great to flaunt it when you have it. But sometimes people also fake it when they try to flaunt it.

And according to urban dictionary, flex can have more to it than just showing off. 但是光用炫耀似乎不能完全涵盖这个俚语flex的内涵.

Alongside the meaning of visibly and openly flaunting, flex can also refer to faking it or baseless flaunt.

因为它不光是你有, 你秀; 还有那些你没有, 你装, 你还是秀这样的感觉.

In other words, the slang can signify a false image that's being bragged about without any level of authenticity.

Now that is the negative side of the word.

所以flex这个词有的时候也表示虽然没有什么可炫耀的, 但是还要装出来硬炫.

Another way flex is used is an alternative to flirt, because when someone flexes, they're essentially picking out the best side of themselves and they are trying to display it.

2 Why are they doing that?


Obviously to attract people's attention, especially if they want to bait someone, hook up with someone.

So the goal of flexing in this sense is often to attract or impress whoever you want to attract.

另外在社交媒体上 flexing也有那种去 “撩”别人的意思 because you're showing your best side albeit sometimes through a filter so that you can attract attention. Think about thirst trap.

So apart from regular flex, baseless flex and also flirty flex, 除了我们刚才说的三种, 还有一个风潮叫做weird flex, but ok.

So this is something that is often seen on social media.

This is when people show off something that they are proud of on the internet, you find it a bit strange that they would be proud of such thing.

And this is the time you would say weird flex but okay.

说白了, 当有一些人在网上炫耀一些非常稀奇古怪的东西, 让你觉得 “我不理解你为什么要炫耀这个东西, 但是你高兴就好”这种感觉, weird flex, but ok.

It's kind of like an internet meme.

3 How to use the word flex?


First of all, let's start with the genuine flex.

For example, if you go on things like LinkedIn you are trying to showcase your talents, skills, professional achievements, and all of these can be flexes.

比如说你在领英这种跟工作跟职场更相关的社媒上, 你可能需要一些genuine flex, for example, you can say I'm so happy to announce that I have been selected as the lead representative of ABC company.

And your friend would say your flex right now is so amazing. I'm jealous but happy for you.

So your announcing the good news in your career is your flex.

But then you have the fake flex. 接下来第二种就是我们说的没有, 但是硬炫.

So this one is usually frowned upon and people sometimes will call you out, for example, you say "Oh great, we made $1 billion this year";

and people might respond by saying "sweet flex, wish that were true”.

当你说一些明显就是虚假的炫耀, 大家根本不信的时候, 他可能会说你炫的倒是好, 但是希望你美梦成真. Sweet flex, wish that were true;

And now we come to the awkward flex.

Remember we said there's a social media meme called weird flex, but ok.

第三种就是我们开始说的这种, 我不理解你为什么会炫耀这个东西, 但是你高兴就好weird flex, but ok.

For instance, you say“Guess what? I finally bit my dog after warning her while she was biting me. Serves her right!” 我的狗一直咬我, 最后我今天终于咬回去了, 她活该.

So it's kind of like you're flexing that on the internet.

Your friend might say “Weird flex, but ok”.

Or you hear people say something random like “The longest I went without shower was 10 days”. 我最长一次记录10天没有洗澡, you can also say “weird flex, but ok”.

我不明白为什么你要炫耀这个东西, 但是你高兴就好.

So hopefully that gives you a little bit of an idea of how to use the word flex.

But keep in mind, as with other modern slang, they are often short lived.

So don't be surprised if one day you're trying to use flex and people are saying this has already gone so outdated.


Sample Sentence:

The ‘flex’ slang started off as a gym jargon and has since become a popular synonym to ‘bragging’ and ‘flaunting’ on social media .

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equivalent [i'kwivələnt]


adj. 等价的,相等的
n. 相等物

trap [træp]


n. 圈套,陷阱,困境,双轮轻便马车
v. 设

alternative [ɔ:l'tə:nətiv]


adj. 两者择一的; 供选择的; 非主流的

particular [pə'tikjulə]


adj. 特殊的,特别的,特定的,挑剔的

achievement [ə'tʃi:vmənt]


n. 成就,成绩,完成,达到

hook [huk]


n. 钩状物,勾拳,钩
v. 钩住,弯成(钩装

signify ['signifai]


vt. 表示,预示,意味着,象征
vi. 有重

overt ['əuvə:t]


adj. 公开的,明显的,公然的

respond [ris'pɔnd]


v. 回答,答复,反应,反响,响应

flex [fleks]


v. 弯曲,伸缩,褶曲
n. 电线,松紧带





