In today's society, an individual's success seems increasingly synonymous with 'relevance.' How much attention do you draw to yourself?
How much are people talking about you on social media? How much exposure do you have on Twitter? How many followers on TikTok?
How relevant are you when it comes to receiving attention from the audience and being part of the public discourse?
Hence, this 'relevance' is what many people are after these days; they want their faces to dominate the online space, they want to show the world all facets of their lives, and they seek to be at the center of attention as much as possible.
As a consequence, the world knows about all the great things they do, but also about the bad, and if, for some reason, they do or say something the audience doesn't appreciate, they end up being scrutinized by thousands, if not millions of people.
Some might never recover from something they said or did, whereas if they hadn't been so famous, they wouldn't have been in this position of public disgrace. Again, 'relevance' is today's highly sought-after asset.
Millions of people on social media are grinding, hoping the masses will notice them one day. For many, it's a dream to be famous. It's the ultimate validation.
All the attention and admiration are like cocaine for the ego: addictive and highly pleasurable while it lasts. But what about its opposite?
What if we reject 'relevance,' deny fame, and don't pursue the attention of the masses?
In the 'attention age,' where attention is supposedly our most valuable commodity, remaining invisible and insignificant seems an act of blasphemy.
What are we when no one sees us, talks about us, or 'likes' us on Instagram? The answer? We're nobodies, mere irrelevant beings without any social value.
But being invisible in such a way has many benefits, too. In fact, being invisible in itself holds tremendous power; it's an advantage widely overlooked in today's narcissistic world.
This video explores the priceless benefits of being invisible. Sauron's One Ring grants its wearer the ultimate superpower: becoming invisible.
Being invisible is a highly beneficial state to be in: it allows you to do things without people noticing, such as entering places you're prohibited from entering or observing the environment without influencing it.
Another benefit of invisibility is the privacy that comes with it; you can do whatever you like without worrying about anyone seeing you.
Although we cannot yet emulate the true invisibility that Frodo and Bilbo attain using the One Ring, there are ways of becoming less visible (or creating the illusion of invisibility) and using that to our advantage.
An example is the Northrop Grumman B-2 Spirit (also known as the Stealth Bomber), a plane developed by the American military equipped with technology to bypass radar systems.
So, its ability to be less visible allows the aircraft to intrude into areas without being detected, which is a major strategic advantage.
Another example is… octopuses, which can change color, camouflaging to fit their surroundings.
This power of near-invisibility makes them less noticeable for both prey and predator.
But let's not forget the elephant in the room here, which is yours truly, running a YouTube channel without showing face, basically being an anonymous voice, to which more than two million people subscribed.
Some say it's cowardly not to show my face; others think it's clever. It was a deliberate choice with both pros and cons.
The cons: My face is not famous, I don't get recognized on the streets, and I'm probably coming across as more distant, not being visible, just audible. But those cons are pros as well.
Even though no attractive female fans beg me for my phone number when I show myself in public, I'm content with being unknown. I value my privacy a lot.
As a YouTuber, you already give so much away from yourself: your thinking, ideas, and creativity.
Do you really need to expose more or, at least, more than you're comfortable with?
Isn't it reasonable to keep something for yourself, be it your appearance and identity?
In today's online world, I notice that some people feel entitled to know everything about the creator (or influencer) they follow;
they demand total transparency in the face of thousands, sometimes millions, which, I think, is quite a lot to ask.
Showing everything of yourself to the world makes you vulnerable. Who knows what people will do with that information?
Who knows what people you invite into your private life? I've chosen to remain anonymous.
I think this method reaps the benefits of both worlds; I enjoy the fruits of my labor but also maintain the peace that comes with living in obscurity, regardless of how many followers I have online.
To me, this situation grants freedom. Although my channel isn't superfamous, my anonymity allows me to appear where I want without the burden of notability.
And when I ever quit being the Einzelganger, almost no one will have known it was me, just a handful of people.
I'll continue living low profile, enjoying the knowledge that, in the past, I've created something (at least slightly) meaningful.
Hopefully, the benefits of being invisible already become apparent, but let's explore them further and also how we can 'fly under the radar,' so to speak.
Taoist philosopher Lao Tzu once wrote down a simple lesson in humility: "Those who try to outshine others dim their own light."
An interpretation of this ancient piece of wisdom is that when you try to look better than others, you may actually harm your character and likability.
Also, generally, through behavior like flexing and bragging, you draw much attention to yourself, which places you in the public eye, which is all fun and games but also puts you in a pretty unsafe position.
So, a slightly different interpretation would be that trying to outshine others makes you 'weak' in several ways, which could be detrimental to your well-being.
Society increasingly revolves around being famous and 'relevant.' To some, it doesn't even matter how vile you act; as long as you get your likes and views and people are talking about you, you're making it.
An environment like this creates narcissists, which are plenty these days, who all seek their supply of attention and admiration.
But it's pretty common to see such people fall gloriously when, for some reason, their audiences turn against them.