Despite his family's owning thousands of venerable tea trees, Ai lived in poverty during his childhood because demand for their product was nonexistent.
During the second half of the 20th century, China's focus on mass production from high-yield, large terrace plantations left little room for the old trees' labor-intensive harvests.
While growers across other Yunnan tea mountains razed their ancient groves to plant younger, more productive trees, the people of Jingmai remained steadfast in protecting their arboreal treasure.
Their commitment was reinforced by practical constraints: Without modern roads, their old trees were ill-suited for mass production.
The Indigenous communities persevered with their seemingly unkempt forests.
Jingmai's fortunes changed around 2000, when the Chinese government invested in new roads and electricity for rural areas.
Slowly, new tea buyers began to arrive at the mountain, even as increased access led to more challenges.
Some villagers destroyed parts of the forests to harvest timber for new construction; others applied harmful chemicals to their trees and pruned aggressively to boost profits.
By 2003, Su Guowen, a retired primary school teacher who claims to be a descendant of Pa Aileng, felt the need to act.
At community meetings he invoked Pa's purported instruction to protect the forests "like your own eyes," arguing that the continued preservation of ancient practices and traditions would bring growers long-term benefits, even if they had to sacrifice short-term yield.
Village chief Ai Sen also rallied the Dai people to protect their crafted biospheres. Both pushed for bans on clear-cutting and chemical use.
Around 2010, that movement gained more speed when village elders joined forces with the Chinese government to petition for World Heritage status.
As part of the government's push, authorities put a checkpoint on the single road leading up Jingmai Mountain to stop people from bringing in non-native plants and animal species,
built a road using stones rather than asphalt, which might disrupt the aromas of the tea, and formally restricted construction and deforestation in the area.
Zuo Jing, a professor at Anhui University, joined the effort to help document the area's distinct cultural heritage.
His government-funded team also built eco-friendly model homes to demonstrate how some modern technologies vastly improve sanitation, heating, and power while preserving the ancient architecture, something the community quickly adopted.
"Jingmai Mountain is like an old tea tree that has both a unique history and a powerful contemporary life force that continues to grow," he says.