1.How many bargain hunters went shopping in the UK and USA?
a) hundreds of thousands
b) millions
c) thousands
d) billion
2.How big were the discounts on offer?
a) not so big
b) 50-60%
c) up to 70%
d) 25%
3.When did Black Friday first start in the UK?
a) 1999
b) this year was the first time
c) last year
d) four years ago
4.At what time did the sales in the UK start?
a) three in the afternoon
b) 12.01 am
c) mid-day
d) midnight
5.What did police worry might happen to the crowds of shoppers?
a) they would get crushed
b) they would steal things
c) there would be a terror alert
d) they would not find a bargain
6.How did many workers in the USA feel?
a) angry
b) fed up with sales
c) very happy
d) bored
7.How early did Black Friday start in the USA?
a) 3 months early
b) very early
c) 6 am
d) a day early
8.How many likes on Facebook does an anti-Black Thursday page have?
a) 140,000
b) 1.4 million
c) 114,000
d) 14 million
9.How many Black Friday petitions are there online?
a) 6,000
b) 600
c) 16
d) over 60
10.What do people want a bigger focus on?
a) holidays
b) family
c) money
d) eyes