1. all year round
eg. This wine cellar stays at an even temperature all year round.
这个酒窖常年保持恒温 。
eg. Our company sells fresh fruits all year round.
本公司一年四季供应时鲜果品 。
2. be smitten by
eg. Simon Fraser was smitten by the landscapes he found in the wild southwest of the United States.
西蒙·弗雷泽深深地陶醉于自己在美国西南部所发现的这片原始美景中 。
eg. From the moment they met, he was completely smitten by her.
从一见面的那一刻起,他就完全被她迷住了 。
3. snap up
eg. The cheapest articles at the sale were quickly snapped up.
大减价货物中最便宜的物品很快抢购一空 。
eg. When there is a shortage, people will snap up goods.
一时某些商品少了些,人们就忙着争购 。
4. for starters
eg. These prizes are just for starters. Other exciting offers are flooding in.
这些奖只是个开始 。其他激动人心的奖励还会接踵而至 。
eg. For starters, the parallels between crises in the two economies are striking.
首先,两个经济体的危机存在惊人的相似之处 。
5. for free
eg. These cups are for free down at the new store.
这些杯子在那家新开的店里是免费提供的 。
eg. You can hardly expect her to do it for free.
你不可能指望她无偿地做这事 。
6. be jealous of
eg. He is jealous of his colleague's success.
他嫉妒同事的成功 。
eg. It occurred to me that she was jealous of me.
我突然发觉她嫉妒我 。
n. 地窖,地下室
vt. 把 ... 藏入地