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  • Two of Walt Disney World's four theme parks in Florida are reopening Saturday. The other two are preparing to reopen four days from now.
  • 佛罗里达州4家迪士尼世界主题公园中的两家将于周六迎客。 另外的两家也准备在四天后恢复营业。
  • Return visitors will find new rules in place and probably notice some major changes at the parks, near the city of Orlando.
  • 返园的游客将会发现园区内出台了一些新规定,还可能会注意到奥兰多市附近的主题公园中的一些重大变化。
  • Missing will be the usual nightly fireworks show above what Disney officials call "The Most Magical Place on Earth."
  • 在这个迪士尼官方称为“地球上最神奇的地方”的常规夜间焰火秀取消了。
  • Officials also have suspended Disney World's beloved parades. In fact, officials have taken steps to avoid all events that lead people to crowd together closely.
  • 有关官员还暂停了受全球游客喜爱的迪士尼世界游行。实际上,有关官员已经采取措施避免了所有会导致人员聚集的活动。
  • The company hopes the changes are enough to prevent the spread of COVID-19 among Disney World visitors and employees.
  • 该公司希望这些措施能够阻止新冠肺炎在迪士尼世界的游客和工作人员中传播。
  • The new rules require that people get temperature checks before entering the park and use face covers while on site.
  • 新规定要求游客入园前必须测温,并且在园内佩戴口罩。
  • Visitors also will not be seeing any live performances for a while.
  • 游客们将暂时观赏不到现场演出。
  • Disney World's performers are in a dispute with the company about their demands for a virus testing program.
  • 迪士尼世界的表演人员要求进行病毒检测,他们就此与该公司发生了争执。
  • Unlike other park workers, singers and dancers cannot wear face masks or socially distance while on the job.
  • 与园区其他工作人员不同,歌舞表演者在工作中无法佩戴口罩或保持社交距离。
  • Florida is currently experiencing one of the worst outbreaks of COVID-19 in the United States.
  • 佛罗里达州现正遭受美国最严重的新冠疫情之一。
  • Experts have described the state as the latest epicenter of the coronavirus spread.
  • 专家称该州是新冠病毒传播的最新“震中”。
  • Also this week, Walt Disney World welcomed the arrival of 22 National Basketball Association teams.
  • 同样是在本周,华特迪士尼世界迎来了22支NBA球队。
  • The professional sports organization suspended the basketball season in March because of COVID-19.
  • 由于新冠疫情,这家专业体育组织于3月份暂停了本赛季的比赛。
  • Now it is preparing to return to play, holding the remainder of the season's games at Disney World's huge sports complex. The first game is set for July 30.
  • 现在该协会准备复赛,并在迪士尼世界的大型体育馆举办本赛季的剩下的比赛。首场比赛定于7月30日举行。
  • NBA officials say the championship will be decided by October 13.
  • 首场比赛定于7月30日举行。NBA官员表示,冠军将在10月13日决出。
  • "It's great to be back after four months," said Orlando Magic player Nikola Vucevic.
  • 奥兰多魔术队球员尼古拉·武切维奇表示:“4个月后回归比赛的感觉真是太棒了。”
  • Not all players were quite as happy, however. Lebron James of the Los Angeles Lakers expressed displeasure about being separated from his family.
  • 但是并非所有球员都这么开心。洛杉矶湖人队的勒布朗·詹姆斯对与家人分开感到不满。
  • He wrote on Twitter about missing his wife and three children in California.
  • 他在推特上写道,他想念加州的妻子和3个孩子。
  • "Just left the crib to head to the bubble... Hated to leave the #JamesGang," he posted.
  • 他写道:“刚刚离家走向未知的明天。不喜欢离开詹姆斯一家。”
  • And one NBA player expressed his opinion on the restart without even having to say a word.
  • 一位NBA球员一言不发地表达了对复赛的态度。
  • Joel Embiid of the Philadelphia 76ers joined his team on the flight to Orlando wearing a full hazmat suit.
  • 费城76人队的乔尔·恩比德身穿全套防护衣,跟球队一起飞往了奥兰多。
  • Embiid is known for being a joker and got some laughs for his effort.
  • 恩比德出了名的爱开玩笑,经常逗得人哈哈大笑。
  • I'm Caty Weaver.
  • 卡蒂·韦佛为您播报。



Disney World Re-Opens, Welcoming Guests and the NBA
Two of Walt Disney World's four theme parks in Florida are reopening Saturday. The other two are preparing to reopen four days from now.
Return visitors will find new rules in place and probably notice some major changes at the parks, near the city of Orlando. Missing will be the usual nightly fireworks show above what Disney officials call "The Most Magical Place on Earth." Officials also have suspended Disney World's beloved parades. In fact, officials have taken steps to avoid all events that lead people to crowd together closely.
The company hopes the changes are enough to prevent the spread of COVID-19 among Disney World visitors and employees. The new rules require that people get temperature checks before entering the park and use face covers while on site.
Visitors also will not be seeing any live performances for a while. Disney World's performers are in a dispute with the company about their demands for a virus testing program. Unlike other park workers, singers and dancers cannot wear face masks or socially distance while on the job.
Florida is currently experiencing one of the worst outbreaks of COVID-19 in the United States. Experts have described the state as the latest epicenter of the coronavirus spread.
Also this week, Walt Disney World welcomed the arrival of 22 National Basketball Association teams. The professional sports organization suspended the basketball season in March because of COVID-19. Now it is preparing to return to play, holding the remainder of the season's games at Disney World's huge sports complex. The first game is set for July 30. NBA officials say the championship will be decided by October 13.
"It's great to be back after four months," said Orlando Magic player Nikola Vucevic.
Not all players were quite as happy, however. Lebron James of the Los Angeles Lakers expressed displeasure about being separated from his family. He wrote on Twitter about missing his wife and three children in California.
"Just left the crib to head to the bubble... Hated to leave the #JamesGang," he posted.
And one NBA player expressed his opinion on the restart without even having to say a word. Joel Embiid of the Philadelphia 76ers joined his team on the flight to Orlando wearing a full hazmat suit.
Embiid is known for being a joker and got some laughs for his effort.
I'm Caty Weaver.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
temperature ['tempritʃə(r)]


n. 温度,气温,体温,发烧

professional [prə'feʃənl]


adj. 职业的,专业的,专门的
n. 专业人

bubble ['bʌbl]


n. 气泡,泡影
v. 起泡,冒泡

virus ['vaiərəs]


n. 病毒,病原体

separated ['sepəreitid]


adj. 分居;分开的;不在一起生活的 v. 分开;隔开

weaver ['wi:və]


n. 织布者,织工

bent [bent]


bend的过去式和过去分词 adj. 下定决心的,弯曲的

witty ['witi]


adj. 富于机智的,诙谐的

departure [di'pɑ:tʃə]


n. 离开,出发,分歧

flight [flait]


n. 飞行,航班
n. 奇思妙想,一段楼


关键字: 迪士尼 VOA慢速 NBA 游客




