1. a clutch of 一小群;一小簇;
The party has attracted a clutch of young southern liberals.
聚会吸引了一群南部的年轻开明人士 。
2. on top of 在上面;在顶上;
She wore her hair loosely knotted on top of her head.
她在头顶上打了个松松的发髻 。
3. in response to 回应;
Sudan even threatened to mobilize in response to the ultimatums.
作为对最后通牒的回应,苏丹甚至威胁说要动员军队 。
4. work out 计算出,解出;
We need to work out the best fit between the staff required and the staff available.
我们必须算出所需人员与现有人员之间的最佳搭配 。
n. 假设,猜测,前提