1. right now 现在;此时此刻;
They are filming in Moscow right now.
目前他们正在莫斯科拍电影 。
2. work out 想出,得到(解决方法);解(谜);
It took me some time to wo rk out what was causing this.
我花了一些时间才弄清此事的起因 。
3. at least (数量)至少,不少于;
It is imperative to continue the treatment for at least two months.
必须继续治疗至少两个月 。
4. make sense of 理解;弄懂;
Provided you didn't try to make sense of it, it sounded beautiful.
只要不非得弄懂它的意思,它听上去还是很美的 。
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