I'm so impressed on so many different levels with the accomplishments of this particular film.
Because I had already seen the previous film, so I was sort of expecting the same level, which was brilliant.
But this grows even higher in terms of production design, sound design, music.
I mean the story itself was so complicated, and all the twists and turns kept me guessing the entire time.
So I was very very engaged, sort of on the edge of my seat the whole time.
What's expanded and great about this movie is, first of all, the quality of the animation, the production design -- everything is amazing!
And also, the different ways that the story operates on different levels. So it's obviously, there's a lot of great action, but there are also a lot of touching scenes, there's also a lot of philosophy.
And I think it combines a lot of layers, so I think it is really incredible because it's a major achievement.
I think everyone in China, particularly in the Chinese film industry, should be really proud.
Congratulations, I am so impressed at the level of expertise that you have achieved with this. I'm really eager to see what you do next. This is much more than competitive in the Oscar category.
I'm looking forward to seeing this film compete in next year's Oscars and I hope to see it so that I have an opportunity to vote for it as well.