31.空头支票 lip-service
What he promised us is but a lip-service.
32.害人反害己 harm set, harm get
the bitter fruit he has got can be a very good example of what we call “Harm set, harm get.”
33.到底 on earth
你到底想怎么着? What on earth do you want ?
34.活见鬼 The Deuce!
The Deuce! How could he possibly know what business we are doing without telling him?
35.你好好琢磨琢磨吧 Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
Why should he be so generous to you like that? Put it in your pipe and smoke it.
36.那有怎样?So what?
我说了,那有怎样? I said it .So what?
37.完蛋了 the jig is up.
The jig is up this time. The police found marijuana in his briefcase.
38.添油加醋 spice up
I didn’t spice up. All I said is true.
39.要命的东西 the kiss of death
Never offend him. That’ll be the kiss of death.
40.逼真 true to life
他的那张画画的真逼真。 This painting of his is true to life.
41.睡得像死猪一样 sleep like a log
The workers were all sleeping like a log, even without knowing when the boss gad arrived.
42.仅次于 be next only to
Talking about the size of population, India is next only to China.
43.幸亏 thank God
Thank God the police had arrived or he might be killed by the gang.
44.喧宾夺主 steal the show
I wouldn’t like to steal the show before these leading personnels.
45.你这样做人家会怎么说那? What will Mrs. Grundy say?
You said that you would go to make money the way as they do. But if you have done the same, what will Mrs. Grundy say?