每日谚语(4.8):Let bygones be bygones
Let bygones be bygones. 既往不咎。 -
每日谚语(4.7):A blind man will not
A blind man will not thank you for a looking-glass. 秋波送盲,白费痴情。 -
每日谚语(4.6):Big mouthfuls often choke
Big mouthfuls often choke. 贪多嚼不烂。 -
每日谚语(4.5):Burn not your house
Burn not your house to rid it of the mouse. 投鼠忌器。 -
每日谚语(4.4):Habit is second nature.
Habit is second nature.习惯成自然。 -
每日谚语(4.3):Better an open enemy 
Better an open enemy than a false friend.明枪易躲,暗箭难防。2008-04-03 编辑:echo 标签:
每日谚语(4.2):He that once deceives&nbs
He that once deceives is ever suspected. 骗人一次,受疑一世。 -
每日谚语(4.1):A watched pot is lon
A watched pot is long in boiling. 心急水不沸。2008-04-01 编辑:echo 标签: 动漫
每日谚语(3.31):Forgive others but not&n
Forgive others but not yourself. 待人宽,对己严。 -
每日谚语(3.30):Joy put heart into
Joy put heart into a man. 人逢喜事精神爽。2008-03-30 编辑:echo 标签: 日语
每日谚语(3.29):Extremes are dangerous
Extremes are dangerous. 物极必反。2008-03-29 编辑:echo 标签:
每日谚语(3.28):Justice has long arms
Justice has long arms.天网恢恢,疏而不漏。成语出处:《老子》:"天网恢恢,疏而不失".《魏书.任城王传》:"天网恢恢.疏而不漏".成语解释:意思是天道公平,作恶就要受到惩罚...2008-03-28 编辑:echo 标签: