The automatic response from long hours in the emergency room came to me. I pulled off my overcoat and rolled up my sleeves. The trick would be to keep his head up while I moved his body, so that his probable broken neck and spinal-cord injury wouldn't be made worse. Amy came around the driver's side, climbed half in and grabbed his belt and shirt collar. Together we lifted him off the windowsill.
长时间在急诊室的自然反应使我知道要怎么做。我脱下外套,挽起袖子。诀窍是在移动他的身体的时候,要保持他的头向上抬起,这样他可能已经断了的脖子和受伤的脊髓就不会二次受伤。艾米来到了司机旁边,探了半个身子进去,抓住了他的腰带和衬衫领子。我们一起把 他从窗沿儿上抬了出来。
He was still out cold, limp as a rag doll. His throat was crushed and blood was running down my arms. He still couldn't breathe. He was deep blue now, his pulse was rapid. The stench of alcohol turned my stomach, but I tried to blow air down his mouth into his lungs. It wouldn't go.
Amy had brought some supplies from my car. I opened a large needle and felt the man's neck. My hands were numb, covered with freezing blood and bits of broken glass. I was trying to find the thyroid gland. OK, it was about there... we'll go in right here...
来源:可可英语 //