No. 11: He's right. That's no answer. What kind of a man are you? Who tells you that you have the right to play like this with a man's life?
No. 7: Wait a minute. You can't talk like that to me.
No. 11: I CAN talk like that to you! If you want to vote not guilty, then do it because you're convinced the man's not guilty, and not because you've had enough. Well...
No. 7: Now listen.
No. 11: Guilty or not guilty?
No. 7: I told you, not guilty.
No. 11: Why?
No. 7: I... I... just don't think he's guilty.
No. 8: I want another vote.
Foreman: OK. Another vote's called for. The quickest way is by a show of hands. Anyone object? OK, all those voting not guilty raise your hands. (He counts. All raise their hands except Numbers 3,4 and 10.) Now the vote is 9 to 3 in favor of acquittal.
No. 10: I don't understand you people. I mean, all these petty little things you keep bringing up. They don't mean nothing. You know how these people lie. It's born in them. I don't have to tell you. They don't know what the truth is. And let me tell you. They don't need any real big reason to kill someone, either. No sir! That's the way they are. By nature. Violent!