Young people in medical training must make an effort to become "comfortable"with the process and the event of dying.
The problems of when to withdraw life support mechanisms or to withhold resuscitation may present deep emotional conflicts for medical students as well as for many very experienced physicians.
Although medical ethics touches almost every aspect of health and the practice of medicine, the particular problems related to dying patients, stemming in part from legal considerations and from highly publicized special cases, put the physician in an especially difficult position.
Only recently have objective conclusions begun to emerge from clinical investigation of outcomes from intensive care units.
Although striking successes do occur, the survival rate with a high quality of life upon discharge from intensive care units is less than one would hope.
Therefore, the physician frequently may be required to make difficult decisions for or with the patient and his or her family.
Ultimately, society at large will have to make policy regarding those decisions, using information based on careful clinical studies and analyses of the costs of sustaining life in truly hopeless situations.
But that policy has not yet been established.
In this area the skilled internist plays a uniquely personal role in preparing patients for terminal situations, becoming their teacher and confidant as they come to understand the disease process and what to expect.
The physician is also called upon to help the patient's loved ones prepare for the outcome.
Every patient must be considered individually, keeping in mind previously expressed wishes, the nature of the terminal illness, the likelihood of recovery with an acceptable quality of life, and family wishes and interactions.
Although these factors are difficult to weigh in the care of dying patients, objective evaluation and an unswerving concern for the patient will lead the physician to the best course of action.