To promote biking in Philadelphia, community leader Henry Pyatt worked with the city and community organizations to put wheels in motion.
Cycling is a huge benefit to our community.
It helps us deal with some of our health issues and it helps make our city more affordable for folks of limited means.
I also advocate for cycling because a lot more people can go visit a business when they travel by bicycle because those bicycles take much less space to store.

By providing more places for bicycles to park and marking streets to be more bike friendly, cities can make bicycling a more popular way to get around.
It helps show the cyclists that they are supposed to be there and there's a space for them.
And then the more people that use that, the more other will people will see them using it, and it builds upon itself.
We've seen a cultural shift happen too, where biking has kind of become cool, which is a huge help to us.
From the economy to health, Henry believes everybody wins when they harness the power of pedaling.
Cycling is kind of a magic bullet of city planning.