

面试英语您的位置: 首页 > 行业英语 > 职场英语 > 面试英语
  • 求职英语:六步教你完成"年终总结"

    The year end is coming, before we move on to the new year, it’s high time for all of us to do a review for the year. To me, doing this annual review is like getting a report card. It’s no

    2012-01-06 编辑:Richard 标签: 总结 英语 年终 求职

  • 求职英语:"姓氏控"姓氏对职业的影响你晓得吗?

    A person’s surname can influence their choice of career, experts believe.[qh]专家认为,一个人的姓氏会对其职业选择产生影响。[qh]  Scientists are exploring the theory that people are drawn to c

    2012-01-05 编辑:Richard 标签: 求职 英语

  • 求职英语:男性求职者赢在人脉

    Women are worse than men at turning networks to their advantage.[qh]在将人脉转化成优势上,女性不如男性。[qh]IN THE rarefied world of the corporate board, a good network matters. Recruitment often inv

    2012-01-04 编辑:Richard 标签: 求职 英语

  • 求职英语:十句台词彻底搞定面试官

    一句精彩的引用可以让你的面试加分不少哦!下面是一些从电影中选出来的经典语录,你面试的时候不妨引用一下。不过首先还是要记住应该察言观色,在合适的时候说出来。1.There is no certainty, only opportunity.V f

    2011-12-31 编辑:Richard 标签: 求职 英语

  • 求职英语:求职路上英语面试问答举例

    Q: What contribution did you make to your current (previous) organization?(你对目前或从前的工作单位有何贡献?)A: I have finished three new projects, and I am sure I can apply my experience to this p

    2011-12-30 编辑:Richard 标签: 英语 求职

  • 求职英语:外企英语面试问题和口语技巧

    如何在外企英语面试中脱颖而出?如何有效的运用英语在外企英文面试中打动面试官?在外企口语面试中应该避免哪些内容?外企面试看种什么样的英语证书?……上海外教网的英语外教William Hill先生(美国)为我们简要谈

    2011-12-29 编辑:Richard 标签: 英语 求职

  • 求职英语:教你三大招 英语面试尖锐问题全搞定


    2011-12-28 编辑:Richard 标签: 面试 英语

  • 求职英语:如何衡量工作是否适合自己(2)

    6. Do I get on with my boss? A difficult boss can make your time at work miserable.我和上司相处得好吗?一个难缠的上司会让你觉得在工作时度日如年。7. Do I get on with my colleagues? A good social envir

    2011-12-27 编辑:Richard 标签: 英语 求职

  • 求职英语:如何衡量工作是否适合自己(1)

    1. Is what I do really worthwhile? In other words: Does my work make a difference to people? Does it help people? Am I adding something of value to the world? Doing something worthwhile makes us feel

    2011-12-26 编辑:Richard 标签: 英语 求职

  • 求职英语:教你总结自己的职业生涯

    你了解自己吗?了解自己的职业吗?了解自己的欲求吗?希望下面这篇文章能帮助你找到答案。1. Where are you are in your career? 你处于职业生涯的哪个位置?First quarter 1/4处Second quarter 2/4处Third quarter

    2011-12-21 编辑:Richard 标签: 求职 英语

  • 求职英语:求职时勿用的10大陈词滥调

    Creative. Effective. Motivated. While you may think that you’re using words on your resume that will appeal to hiring managers, some words can actually turn them off.有创造力,有效率,有积极性,

    2011-12-20 编辑:Richard 标签: 英语 求职

  • 求职英语:让工资涨起来的六招宝典

    1. Check the going rate。  看行情。  What are other people being paid for similar positions? Do some research on the current compensation structure for your position before considering how much t

    2011-12-19 编辑:Richard 标签: 求职 英语

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