[科学阅读] 科普阅读:高智商儿童未来吸毒几率更高
A British study found significantly higher drug experimentation among people who performed well on IQ tests as kids. Sophie Bushwick reports一项英国的研究发现,儿童时期智商测试得分更高的人,其未来尝试吸2011-11-29 编辑:Richard 标签:
[科学阅读] 科普阅读:海洋中充满了小的塑料微粒
Washing machine waste water carries tiny pieces of plastic to the oceans, where they wind up in sea life. David Biello reports.[qh]洗衣机废弃的水向海洋中带进了很多小的塑料粒子,它们卷住了海洋生物。戴2011-11-28 编辑:Richard 标签:
[科学阅读] 科普阅读:想防止婴儿贫血?其实很简单
CHILDHOOD anaemia is a problem. Around the world, almost a quarter of under-fives suffer from it. And anaemia is not a trivial thing. A child's development, both physical and mental, is stifled b2011-11-25 编辑:Richard 标签:
[科学阅读] 科普阅读:眼泪替代血液检测血液中葡萄糖含量
People with diabetes may have to endure multiple, painful finger sticks every day to get blood samples for testing. But a new glucose test may do away with the pain even as it brings on the tears. Be2011-11-24 编辑:Richard 标签:
[科学阅读] 科普阅读:发光的外行星可能意味着智慧生命的存在
New telescopes could spot aliens on planets around distant stars, if they like their cities really brightly lit. John Matson reports[qh]据John Matson报道,只要那些住在遥远星球上的外星人们乐意于把自己2011-11-23 编辑:Richard 标签:
[科学阅读] 新研究显示:蛋白质能击退午后困乏
Glucose can block brain cell secretion of orexin, which keeps us alert. But amino acids can stop that block. Christie Nicholson reports.[qh]葡萄糖能抑制大脑细胞分泌使我们清醒的促食素,但氨基酸可以解除2011-11-22 编辑:Richard 标签:
[科学阅读] 科普阅读:胆小的蜻蜓幼虫
Safe dragonfly larvae that could sense the presence of their predators had a higher mortality rate than unstressed larvae. Christopher Intagliata reports[qh]Christopher Intagliata报道称,蜻蜓幼虫可以2011-11-21 编辑:Richard 标签:
[科学阅读] 万圣节巧克力:包含多少诡骗的伎俩?
Americans spend nearly $7 billion on Halloween. Mostly on candy, and mostly on chocolate. 美国人大约花费70亿美元在万圣节上。大部分在糖果并且其中的更大部分是在巧克力上。But even milk chocolate has a d2011-11-18 编辑:Richard 标签:
[科学阅读] 科学家找出了西尼罗河病毒迅速蔓延的真凶
West Nile virus first appeared in North America in 1999. And it quickly moved across the continent. Now a study has pinned the proliferation on a particular culprit: robins. The work is published in2011-11-17 编辑:Richard 标签:
[科学阅读] 科普阅读:理发师能够成为皮肤癌的发现者
Hair care pros often spot possible skin cancers on the scalp. Dermatologists recommend they be trained to do it more and better. Katherine Harmon reports[qh]护发的优点是可以尽早地发现头皮上的皮肤癌。2011-11-16 编辑:Richard 标签:
[科学阅读] 科普阅读:夜间服用降压药可以降低心血管系统疾病
People who took at least one of their blood pressure medications before going to bed had a reduced risk of circulatory problems compared with morning pill poppers.[qh]与早晨服降压药的人相比,在临睡前2011-11-15 编辑:Richard 标签:
[科学阅读] 科普阅读:蛋白可以降低早晨的紫外线伤害
Levels of a DNA repair protein naturally rise in the morning and fall later in the day, which may make exposure to UV safest early.DNA修复蛋白的水平天然地在早晨上升,晚上下降,早晨暴露在紫外线下是最安2011-11-14 编辑:Richard 标签:
[科学阅读] 科普阅读:为什么狮子老虎的声音适于咆哮?
For many potential entrée animals this [sound of lion roar] is one of the scariest sounds around. Scientists long thought the lion's distinctive roar was due to thick layers of fat inside t...2011-11-11 编辑:Richard 标签:
[科学阅读] 科普阅读:新型绝缘材料帮助电网抵御暴风雨
Better insulation for high-voltage cables could keep them dry during deluges and cut transmission loss. Larry Greenemeier reports 具有更好绝缘性能的高压电缆能够在潮湿环境下保持干燥,从而减少电能的损2011-11-10 编辑:Richard 标签:
[科学阅读] 科普阅读:食人鱼用声音进行沟通
Red-bellied piranhas make three distinctive sounds when communicating about how much they will mess each other up. Cynthia Graber reports当需要与多方进行沟通时,红腹食人鱼用3种不同的声音进行沟通。辛2011-11-09 编辑:Richard 标签: