[著名景点介绍] 中英双语话中国城市 第5期:天津的自然概况
天津市是中国第三大城市,也是中央直辖市之一,总人口为950万(其中城市人中460万)。天津是华北地区重要的商贸和工业中心,也是该地区最大的港口。天津距北京东南137公里(85英里),位于海河水系五大支流汇合处,距渤海湾50公里,下辖15个区和3个县。 -
[著名景点介绍] 中英双语话中国城市 第4期:北京的地方特色
北京有着许多文化遗产,其中紫禁城,长城,周口店北京人遗址,天坛,颐和园和十三陵被联合国指定为世界文化和自然遗产。城市里共有7 309处历史文物遗址,其中60处被定为国家级文化遗产,另外还有234处为北京市文化遗产。 -
[著名景点介绍] 中英双语话中国城市 第3期:北京的城市现状
北京是一座拥有宽广林荫大道的城市,如今,这座城市车水马龙,正伴随着商业和娱乐业的节拍跃动。北京有许多博物馆和公园,其中有坐落在城市中心的故宫博物馆和北海公园。在此附近,中国美术馆里陈列着当代美术家的作品。坐落在天安门东侧的中国革命厉史博物馆向人们展示着中国的古代史和现代史。 -
[著名景点介绍] 中英双语话中国城市 第2期:北京的历史沿革
大约50万年前,北京人居住在北京西南郊的周口店。那时的气候比现在的更温暖更潮湿,当地的森林湖泊也促进了大量生物的成长。北京人的化石遗骸,他们的石头工具和用火痕迹,以及后来大约18 000年前用过的工具,还有山顶洞人时期用过的骨针和装饰品都是中国如今史料记载的最早的文化遗物。 -
[著名景点介绍] 中英双语话中国城市 第1期:北京的自然概况
中国首都北京是世界上最令人神往的城市之一。这是一座具有3 000多年历史,1 530万人口(2005年统一计数据),占地面积16 808平方公里的城市,是中华人民共和国的政治、文化和经济中心。 -
[著名景点介绍] 中国著名景点介绍:天安门(英文介绍)
Tian'anmen (the Gate of Heavenly Peace), is located in the center of Beijing. It was first built in 1417 and named Chengtianmen (the Gate of Heavenly Succession). -
[著名景点介绍] 中国著名景点介绍:青海(英文介绍) Qinghai
Qinghai Province is a sparking jewel set on the northwest plateau of China, wherein the Yangtze River, the Yellow River as well as the Mekong River take their source. -
[著名景点介绍] 中国著名景点介绍:吐鲁番(英文介绍) Turpan
Turpan is located in a depression with the area of more than 1000 square kilometers of the eastern part of Xinjiang and some 80 meters below the sea level. -
[著名景点介绍] 中国著名景点介绍:故宫(英文介绍)
This is the palace museum; also know as the Purple Forbidden City. It is the largest and most well reserved imperial residence in China today. Under Ming Emperor Yongle, construction began in 1406.... -
[著名景点介绍] 中国著名景点介绍:云冈石窟(英文介绍) Yungang Cave
Yungang Caves, one of China\'s four most famous \"Buddhist Caves Art Treasure Houses\", is located about sixteen kilometers west of Datong, Shanxi Province. -
[著名景点介绍] 中国著名景点介绍:日喀则(英文介绍) Shigatse Trav
Shigatse, also named Xigatse, means 'the fertile land'. Covering an area of over 3875 square kilometers (about 1496 square miles), this frontier city is the second largest in Tibet. -
[著名景点介绍] 中国著名景点介绍:峨眉山和乐山大佛(英文介绍)
Emei Mountain lies seven kilometers southwest of Emeishan City and is one of the four mountain ranges in China that Buddhists consider sacred. It was included in the UNESCO world heritage list in 1... -
[著名景点介绍] 中国著名景点介绍:湖南长沙马王堆汉墓女尸(英文)
Mawangdui is located in the eastern outskirts of changsha, about 4km from downtown changsha,In the preceeding centuries, it was bured here, hence the name "mawangdui"formerly there were two... -
[著名景点介绍] 中国著名景点介绍:湖南长沙博物馆三国吴简(英文)
Welcome to Changsha museum. We’ll be here to visit “The Exhibition of Inscribed Bamboo Tablets of Wu Kingdom of the Three Kingdoms at Changsha and The Years of Unearthed Most Valuable Cultural Reli... -
[著名景点介绍] 中国著名景点介绍:浙江绍兴(英文介绍)
Shaoxing lies in northern Zhejiang Province on the southern shore of the Hangzhou Bay. A famous ancient city south of the Yangtze River and the hometown of Lu Xun (1881-1936), China's great twe...
中英双语话中国旅游亮点 第75期:黄河壶口瀑
黄河壶口瀑布位于吉县以西25公里的地方。 -
中英双语话中国旅游亮点 第76期:大同华严寺
这寺位于大同城市的西郊区,建于辽的一个大型佛教寺庙。 - 3
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