pertain - pigment The pigment phenomena
The picnic was held on a very picturesque pier right off the beach.
聚餐的地点是在海滩边 一个风景如画的桥墩上
The water was beautiful and almost everyone went swimming
海水很美,几乎所有人 都去游泳了。
When one fisherman commented
that there might be some interesting phenomena in the water today no one listened,
今天水里可能会出现有 趣的现象, 但谁也没听 进去,
they just kept on partying.
他们只顾继续搞他们 的聚会。
Two hours later the pigment of the skin of the swimmers began to change.
两小时后,游泳者的 皮肤色素开始起变化。
In the first phase it was just a couple of spots
在第一阶段,只有几个 小点儿,
and then the change was pervasive.
In places where there were cuts or pierces, the pain became phenomenal.
在有划伤和刺伤的地方 疼痛感变得很明显。
Those who hadn't gone in the water were fine
没去下水的人 倒没有问题,
and several ran quickly to find a pharmacy.
They returned with a well-known pharmacist
他们带回了一个 有名的药剂师,
who thought he might know what the skin pigment phenomenon meant.
他自认为可能知道 皮肤色素出现这种现 象到底是怎么回事。
"Yep, that's from pesticides!" He said.
"是的,就是农药 造成的!"他说,
"I was pessimistic about those from the start,
"从一开始我就对 农药持悲观态度,
but petty city officials thought
但那些城市小官员 们却认为
it was more important to have green lawns than protect the environment.
绿色草坪比保护 环境更重要,
They just told me
it was pertinent to the image of our pictorial community
它与我们画一般的社区 形象是相关的,
and to stop pestering them about it!
所以要我别再为 这事烦扰他们。
Well, those pesticides must surely pervade all of this water;
现在可好,那些农药肯 定已经遍及这片水域,
they're going to have to shut the beach down.
That won't help the economy!
Let's see if they call me a pest now!"
看他们现在还 叫不叫我讨厌鬼!"
The swimmers didn't care about the ramblings of the pharmacist.
游泳者们根本不管 药剂师在说什么,
They just wanted whatever lotion or cream
他们只想要点儿润肤液 或者润肤霜什么的,
might pertain to helping ease their pain.
只要适合帮助他们减轻 痛苦就行。
The pharmacist didn't have anything, however, and they had to call the ambulance.
但药剂师什么都没有, 于是他们只得叫救护车
It made quite a scene,
others came down with the condition and the beach was Closed.
其他人也得了皮肤病, 海滩被关掉了。
Those petty bureaucrats lost their jobs!
那些小官僚们丢掉了 他们的饭碗!