Signal skip Similar crimes
Officer Teal skipped a stone across the water.
逖尔警官对着水面 扔出一颗石子.
Watching it skim across he thought about the similarities between each site.
看着它掠过水面, 他想起了两处犯罪现场 是如此的相似.
Both were situated along a river.
两个地方都位于 一条河的沿岸,
Both were places of great beauty where artists often came to sketch.
两个地方都有宜人的景 致画家们常去写生,
And both were places where you could sink into the silt.
并且在两个地方你都 可能沉到淤泥中.
The skeletons of the bodies had obviously been buried
尸体的骨骼明显有 被掩埋的痕迹,
In the hopes that no skeletal remains would be found.
犯人希望人们不会发现 骨骼的遗骸.
But this murderer wasn't a geologist, areas with deep silt often move.
但是这个杀人犯并不是 个地质学家,有淤泥的 地方是常常移动的.
That's why the bodies had been exposed in both places.
这就是为什么两处尸体 都暴露了的原因.
All signifiers pointed to a serial murderer.
所有的标记都指向 一个连环杀手,
And that was significant, it meant that the killer would kill again.
这一点儿很重要, 因为它意味着杀人犯 还会杀人.
These were sinister days, Teal thought.
逖尔想,这些日子真不 幸.
At similar crime scenes in his earlier years,
早年办案的时候如果 遇到相似的犯罪现场
He would never have thought of a serial killer.
他是绝对不会想到 连环杀人的.
But times had changed and the signals were clear.
但是时代变了, 而且信号也很清楚.
Now if he could just keep the press from skewing this into a story
现在,要是他能挡住 媒体不让他们把这件 事歪曲成
That would incite even more fear.
引起更多恐慌的 故事就好啦!
Teal would simplify the story,
Leave out key details and simultaneously not hint at any Serial murderer.
省去一些重要细节, 同时对连环杀手 只字不提.
That should buy him some time.
这样应该能给他赢得 一些时间.
Then he would get back to trying to work.
然后他就会回去 想办法工作了.
He knew that he would have to simulate the crime
他知道他必须 做一次模拟犯罪,
So he started making calls to get his team in action.
所以他开始打电话,让 小组成员都行动起来.
They would be here soon.
And so Officer Teal bent down and picked up another rock.
逖尔警官弯腰拣起 另外一颗石子,
He wanted to enjoy the simplicity of skipping it across the water for just a few more minutes.
他想再利用几分钟享受 一下扔石头打水漂这种 简单的乐趣.