Spotlight stammer Making up
The staff has gone home already so I'm going to the stadium to play squash.
所有员工都回家了, 所以我准备到体育馆玩 单打式墙网球.
Anna said as she left the stables where her spouse was brushing the horses.
安娜边说边离开马厩, 她的丈夫正在那里 给马匹梳理毛鬃.
Jerry lifted his head, put a hand on a stake to lean on and yelled back. Have fun!
杰里抬起头,把手放到 一根桩子上靠着并大声 回答道: 玩得开心 点!
But he was really thinking Good riddance!
可他心里的真实想法 却是 谢天谢地, 终于走了!
Ever since their marriage had become stagnant over financial problems,
自从他们的婚姻由于经 济问题处于停滞状态,
He couldn't stand her.
He spurred the horse back into the stable and went to the phone.
他把马赶回马厩里, 然后去打电话.
Flowers were sprouting the air was fresh and it was spring;he wanted some company.
花儿正在迅速生长, 空气很新鲜,春天到了 他需要有人做伴.
Debbie, the neighbor's wife arrived several minutes later.
几分钟后邻居的 妻子黛比来了.
He squeezed her as they hugged and she squealed in pleasure.
他们拥抱时他紧抱着她 黛比快乐地发出 长而尖的叫声.
He grabbed a hose and sprayed her with water.
They laughed and soon they were sprawled together in the hay.
他们欢笑着,很快就一 起在干草堆里懒洋洋地 伸开四肢躺着.
That's not how you brush horses!
你平时不是 这样梳理马的!
Anna said suddenly as she flashed a spotlight on them
安娜突然说道,她用 一盏聚光灯照着他们,
And stepped out from where she had been hiding!
从她一直藏身的地方走 了出来!
She held a stainless steel knife in her other hand.
她的另一只手里拿着一 把不锈钢刀.
Put the knife down, Anna.
You know that our relationship has stagnated! Jerry stammered.
你知道我们的婚姻 已经变得死气沉沉! 杰里结结巴巴地说,
He also moved towards a stack of crates
That he knew he could push down on Anna if he had to.
如果万不得已,他知道 他可以把它们推下来 砸安娜.
You better not squander an opportunity to run, Debbie. Anna said.
你最好不要浪费逃跑 的机会,黛比,
Debbie ran.
When Dehbie returned with the police,
They were all surprised to see Anna and Jerry asleep in the hay
他们惊讶地看到安娜和 杰里在干草堆上睡着了
Where Debbie bad ran from.
黛比就是从这个 干草堆逃走的.
They were holding each other.Debbie frowned.
他们相互拥着对方. 黛比皱起了眉头.
Apparently their marriage was still on and her fun was over
很明显,他们的婚姻 还在继续,而她的玩笑 已经开完了