第三,超越双边范畴,发挥全球影响。从近年应对国际金融危机、解决国际热点问题、促进二十国集团发展、应对气候变化等进程中可以得出一个结论:中英加强合作至关重要。中英都是在国际上举足轻重的大国,双方共同利益越来越多,合作需要越来越强。我们愿与英方进一步加强在全球事务中的协调与合作,共同加强“积极力量”(forces for good),使中英关系的发展不仅造福两国人民,而且促进世界的稳定与繁荣。
Let us go beyond the bilateral scope and play a global role. We are very much committed to closer cooperation with Britain on the global stage, from working through the international financial crisis and climate challenge, to addressing international hotspot issues and promoting a greater role of the G20. This is a necessity for both countries, given our international influence and growing common interests. Together, we will strengthen the forces for good. And our relationship will not only benefit our own people, but also contribute to world stability and prosperity.
An ever growing China-UK relationship counts on the support of people from all sectors. I take this opportunity to express my heartfelt thanks and deep appreciation to the 48 Group Club for its outstanding contribution to this relationship. Your commitment to the friendship and cooperation between our two countries has not faltered despite ups and downs in our relations in the last 5 decades. You have not only stayed true to the mission of advancing China-UK trade for equality and mutual benefit, but also passed it on to the Young Icebreakers. Your club has far out-grown the original 48 companies, extending into all sectors of British industry and commerce and bringing in talents in all areas. These are what we rely on to grow China-UK relations. I wish the 48 Group Club continued success in the Year of the Rabbit, under Stephen's leadership.
就在上个月,我出席了苏格兰首席部长在爱丁堡城堡为李克强副总理举行的欢迎晚宴,席间优美的女高音唱起了彭斯的名诗《我的爱像一朵红红的玫瑰》,唱到了“纵使大海干枯水流尽,太阳将岩石烧作灰尘”(Till a' the sea gang dry, And the rock melt wi' the sun),我一下子想到了同样比喻坚定意志不变、且已使用千年的一句中国成语:“海枯石烂”(Till the sea runs dry and the rocks crumble)。两个比拟是如此惊人一致,可见两国文化是相近的,思想是相通的。
Last month at the Scottish First Minister's welcoming dinner for Vice Premier Li Keqiang in Edinburgh Castle, I heard a soprano singing a beautiful song. It was based on Robert Burns's famous poem My Love is Like a Red, Red Rose. One line reads "Till a' the seas gang dry, my dear, and the rock melt wi' the sun". This reminded me of a Chinese saying that has been used for a millennium to describe firm commitment of love– "Hai Ku Shi Lan", which literally means "till the sea runs dry and the rocks crumble". This is yet another example of how close our cultures are and how similar our thoughts can be.
In closing, I wish the China-UK partnership greater success in the Year of the Rabbit and our two peoples an ever-lasting friendship!
Thank you.