二. 二级笔译实务
Can we have our fish and eat it too?An unusual collaboration of marine ecologists and fisheries management scientists says the answer may be yes.
Their conclusions are at once gloomy —overfishing continues to threaten many species —and upbeat: a combination of steps can turn things around.
They sought and received financing and began organizing workshops at the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, an organization sponsored by the National Science Foundation and based at the University of California, Santa Barbara.
Perhaps naively, I had expected to find that many trees had been killed. They hadn’t. They had blackened bark, but were otherwise looking rather well.
But unlike a normal animal, it’s a shape-shifter.
“a shape-shifter”名词转动词。词性的转换在翻译中是一个常用的手法,这是由英汉两种语言表达方式的差异所决定的。
1. 尽管中国在禁烟和控烟方面做了大量的工作,但中国控烟形势依然严峻。
Considerable work as China has done in its campaign to control smoking and use of tobacco, the situation of smoking control still remains grim.
2. 中国的烟草和烟制品的生产和消费占世界第一。
China ranks first in the world for its production and consumption of tobacco and tobacco products.
3. 许多烟民认为,吸烟可以消除疲劳、解除烦闷、振奋精神、刺激情绪;吸烟可以社交联谊、广交朋友等。
Many smokers believe that smoking can help eliminate one’s fatique, relieve one’s boredom, heighten one’s spirit and stimulate one’s mood. Moreover, smoking can help socialize oneself with others, extend one’s circle of friends.
The high rate of savingsprovides sufficient funds for the rapid growth of domestic investment and the high investment in turn greatly facilitates the fast growth of economy.
5. 高储蓄率主要是中国的计划生育政策下的人口结构、经济快速增长背景下家庭消费习惯改变缓慢等长期因素作用的结果。
The high rate of savings can be chiefly attributedto the long-term factors that the population structure is formed under China’s one-child policy and household consumption habits change very slowly under the circumstances of the rapid economic growth.
6. 尽管家庭收入随着整体经济增长而迅速增加,但个人消费习惯可能需要好几年甚至好几十年才能改变。
Although the family income has quickly increased with the overall economic growth, it may take years or even decades beforethe personal consumption habits will change.
7. 在“过度储蓄优点”的影响下,中国已经并可能继续保持高增长、低通胀,而且只要继续保持高储蓄率,就足以抵御来自外部的冲击。
Under the effects of the “excess savings advantages”, China has and will continue to maintain a situation of high growth and low inflation. And so long as China continues to maintain a high rate of savings, it will be able to withstand external impact.