1. 经济过热,确实带来了一些问题,比如票子发得多了点,物价波动大了些。
The overheated economy resulted in a number of problems. For instance, the issue of excess bank notes led to a major price fluctuation.
2. 待业青年,下岗工人。
Young people waiting for jobs. Laid-off workers.
3. 对凭借行业垄断和某些特殊条件获得个人额外收入的必须纠正。
We must correct the mal-practice of individual obtaining extra income by taking advantage of sectoral monopoly and some special privileges.
4. 特别是人口众多的发展中国家,要有自己的良好政策。
In particular, the developing countries with large population should have good policies.
5. 我们搞社会主义才几十年,还处在初级阶段。
We have practiced the socialism for only several decades, and are still in the primary stage.
6. 发展才是硬道理。
Development is the absolute principle.
7. 依法查办大案要案,惩处一批腐败分子。
Major and key criminal cases were handled in accordance with the law, and a number of corrupt officials were punished.
8. 精神文明。
Spiritual civilization
9. 不争论,大胆地试,大胆地闯。
Without controversy , we can make bold experiments and forge ahead without hesitation.
10. 可是当我到了Dover的时候,发现那个镇子那么大,我没有想到有这么大。
But when I arrived Dover , it seemed a much larger town than I had imagined.
11. 我站在他家门口,门口有个漂亮的小花园,我愣了会儿,感到害怕,全身颤抖起来,心想姨妈看到肯定不会理解我的。
I stood at his front door in the neat little garden for few moments trembling with fear and wondering what my aunt would think of me.
12. 就这样,我的新生活开始了。
And so, a new life began for me.
13. 我知道今非昔比,现在跟当初我在伦敦的时候不同了—我那时在一家仓库打工。
I knew it would be very different from the last time I was in London—when I was working at the warehouse.
14. 你真会装相,表面上你嘲笑人家,笑人家穷,没念过几年书,样样不如你。
You pretend to laugh at people who are poorer or less educated than yourself.
15. 1年了—我到Johns 事务所上班有一个年头了。
A year had passed since I first started the work in Mr. Johns’ Farm.
16. 可是一场可怕的灾难就要降临到贝多芬头上。 (过去将来时)
But a terrible disaster was to befall Beethoven.
17. 早在1798年,他当时只有28岁,第二交响乐还没写完,他的听力就出现衰退。
As early as 1798, when he was only 28 and his second symphony was not yet finished, he began to lose his hearing.
18. 起初,他简直无法忍受任何人,哪怕是他的亲密朋友,知道他的不幸。
At first, he could not bear anyone, not even his best friends to know of his tragedy.
19. 我们可以从下面的信中听出他的痛苦,1802年,贝多芬给弟弟写了封信,信中说:岂有此理!站在我身边的人能够听到远处的笛声,我什么也听不见;他能听到牧羊人的歌唱,我连一个音符也听不出来。
We can hear his misery in the letter he wrote his brother about his affliction in 1802: What humiliation! When anyone standing beside me could hear a distant flute that I could not hear or a shepherd singing that I could not distinguish a sound.