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新加坡管理大学校长首届中国论坛致辞 中英对照

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The School of Social Sciences has also received a $400,000 Tier 2 research grant from Singapore's Ministry of Education to undertake a three-year research project to systematically examine a series of social changes that have been sweeping through rural China in recent years. The research will focus on policies in three areas: land management, agricultural modernisation, and social welfare.


SMU's School of Information Systems has set up a research lab with Ping An Banking and Insurance Group to promote research, application and technology transfer of "Big Data". This is the first research partnership between SMU and a major Chinese corporation. Our School of Information Systems will utilise its expertise in analytics, data analysis and data mining to provide a range of business solutions to Ping An. These include analysing user behaviour base on large-scale social media data, and establishing a customised information extraction and filtering system for better and timely social information tracking, filtering and responding.


Our faculty from the Lee Kong Chian School of Business has published a number of papers on China’s innovation landscape, its innovation capacity, intellectual property rights and patenting strategies. There are also studies and projects examining Corporate Social Responsibility in China.


(b) Undergraduate Programmes


In undergraduate programmes, we want to provide SMU students with opportunities to network with some of the best brains in China and to be China-ready. To do this, SMU has inked new student exchange MOUs with top Chinese universities including Tsinghua University, Peking University, Fudan University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and Southwest University of Finance and Economics.


In addition, SMU is working with a number of major corporations in different Chinese cities to provide our students with structured internships whilst the students are on exchange in China. We want to make the exchange programmes more attractive and enriching, and encourage our students to opt for Chinese universities for their exchange since this is coupled with internship opportunities. For a start, we are working with Singapore-based companies and MNCs with presence in China, before extending our collaboration to include Chinese companies.


(c) Postgraduate Programme


In postgraduate programmes, our School of Information Systems had signed a Double-Masters agreement with Peking University's School of Software and Microelectronics in June 2013 where students graduate with a Peking University Masters degree and a SMU MITB Master degree. The programme welcomed its first batch of 28 students in September this year. SMU's School of Economics has also tied-up with Xiamen University, Huazhong University of Science and Technology and Southwest University of Finance and Economics for its Master of Science in Financial Economics programme.


Last month, a SMU delegation which I led met with Mr Hao Ping, Vice Minister of China’s Ministry of Education and Chairman of China Scholarship Council, to discuss collaboration in PhD programmes. SMU is proud to announce that we have been included into the China Scholarship Council's list of partners. Our university will be providing scholarships to high quality PhD candidates from China to undergo PhD co-supervision programmes at SMU and to pursue SMU PhD programmes.


(d) Training and Development


On training and development, SMU's Centre for Professional Studies and the Singapore Chinese Chamber Institute of Business signed an MOU to leverage on the strengths of both parties to organise training and networking programmes for government officials and business executives from China.


At the same time, our Centre for Professional Studies is collaborating with Sichuan Administration Institute for training and research partnerships.


Just last week, SMU's Business Families Institute signed an agreement with Zhejiang Family Business Centre to undertake research aimed at helping Chinese families look at succession planning.


We are currently in discussion with several Chinese universities who have expressed interest in training programmes which include Commodities Trading, Shipping Business, and Trade Finance offered by SMU’s Financial Training Institute and International Trading Institute.


Community Outreach


At SMU, our students are encouraged to take up internships, community outreach projects, and international exchange programmes. The purpose is to broaden their outlook and deliver a holistic undergraduate educational experience that will develop them into broad-based, creative and entrepreneurial leaders for the knowledge-based economy.


For the past five to six years, SMU students have been involved in several community service projects in China. These include our undergraduates sharing with under-privileged students the basic business, innovation and accounting skills. SMU students have also reached out to a number of primary schools in rural China to develop confidence in the children, acquaint them with arts, and introduce them to other enrichment activities.


Since 2011, SMU has sent students on cultural exchanges to the city of Kashgar in China's Xinjiang Province. Our students have set up three cultural centres to help preserve the ethnic cultures there, and also helped trainee teachers in Kashgar on their conversational English. In August this year, during Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong's visit to China, SMU and Kashgar Teachers College (KTC) agreed to co-organise an annual English Festival to promote international exchange and to cultivate conversational English ability of KTC students.




What I have just shared demonstrates a commitment by SMU to broaden and deepen our ties with China to encompass more areas of collaboration as we develop new strengths in research and education. We believe this will help contribute to knowledge creation and talent development for both Singapore and China.


Today's Forum is the first of what we hope would be many to be organised in the years to come. We plan to have such an annual gathering of minds, alternating between Singapore and China, and to discuss topical issues about China which are of interest and relevance. We hope that by working with our academic and corporate partners through the China Forum, research collaboration, exchange programmes, as well as training and development, SMU will be able to develop linkages, expertise and knowledge on China and Asia so that we become a partner of choice for universities, institutions and the business industry.


On behalf of SMU, I would like to thank our Guest-of-Honour DPM Tharman Shanmugaratnam, Professor Justin Lin and the panel members for taking the time from their busy schedules to join us this morning in their strong support of SMU's efforts.


It is now my privilege to invite our Guest-of-Honour, DPM Tharman Shanmugaratnam to share with us his thoughts and observations on China.


Ladies and gentlemen, please join me in welcoming DPM Tharman on stage.


Thank you.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
stellar ['stelə]


adj. 星(状的),和电影明星有关的,主要的,一流的

generate ['dʒenə.reit]


vt. 产生,发生,引起

demographic [.di:mə'græfik]


adj. 人口统计学的

insurance [in'ʃuərəns]


n. 保险,保险费,安全措施

comprehensive [.kɔmpri'hensiv]


adj. 综合的,广泛的,理解的

base [beis]


n. 基底,基础,底部,基线,基数,(棒球)垒,[化]碱

sustain [səs'tein]


vt. 承受,支持,经受,维持,认可

debate [di'beit]


n. 辩论,讨论
vt. 争论,思考

analysis [ə'næləsis]


n. 分析,解析

emergence [i'mə:dʒəns]


n. 出现,浮现,露出






