Fightersand Flies--Lu Xun
Schopenhauer has saidthat, in estimating men’s greatness, the laws governing spiritual stature andphysical size are the reverse of each other. For the further they are from us,the smaller men’s bodies and the greater their spirit appear.
Because a man seemsless of a hero at close quarters, where his blemishes and wounds stand outclearly, he appears like one of us, not a god, a supernatural being or acreature of a strange new species. He is simply a man. But this precisely iswhere his greatness lies.
When a fighter hasfallen in battle, the first thing flies notice is his blemishes and wounds.They suck them, humming, very pleased to think that they are greater heroesthan the fallen warrior. And since the fighter is dead and does not drive themaway, the flies buzz even more loudly, and imagine they are making immortalmusic, since they are so much whole and perfect than he is.
True, no one pays anyattention to the blemishes and wounds of flies.
Yet the fighter forall his blemishes is a fighter, while the most whole and perfect flies are onlyflies.
Buzz off, flies! Youmay have wings and you may be able to hum, but you will never surpass afighter, you insects!
(杨宪益、戴乃迭 译)