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Missing the Charming Maiden
Mount Jinggang

Thousands of trees kissing the firmament
Stretch hundreds of miles,
And winging to the south welkin is the marvelous crest.
What I have seem on revisiting my old haunt,
High buildings and pavilions have been added.
In front of the Five-Well Tablet,
And at Huangyangjie,
The vehicles fly as though they are leaping forward.
The mountains and rivers present a picturesque view,
But it was said a green sea they were in the past.

Thirty-eight years have passed by in a flash,
And the world of man has changed,
As if the sky and sea are overturned.
I still remember being amid the flames of war,
And it seems the narrow escape from death was just the night before.
Only the lofty sentiment,
Like the bright moon hanging in the sky
And the majestic thunder and wind.
At a cock's crow,
Thousands of monsters vanish like the smoke and mist.




