《左传》,旧传为春秋时期左丘明著,近人认为是战国时人所编 [31] ,是中国古代一部叙事完备的编年体史书,更是先秦散文著作的代表。作品原名为《左氏春秋》,汉代改称《春秋左氏传》、《春秋内传》、《左氏》,汉朝以后多称《左传》。它是儒家重要经典之一,是历代儒客学子重要研习史书,与《公羊传》《谷梁传》合称“春秋三传”。
Good bows may be hard to draw, but they can reach great heights and pierce deeply. Fine horses may be hard to ride, yet they can carry heavy burdens and make long journeys. Real talents may be hard to command, but they can help the ruler to win respect. (The Works of Mozi)
Who can avoid mistakes? It will be very good if one can correct mistakes after committing them. / To err is human; to correct divine. (Zuo Qiuming [of the Spring and Autumn Period]: Zuo's Commentary)
Don't be disturbed by fortune or misfortune. Be relaxed no matter how flowers bloom and wilt. To be or not to be needs no hard decision. Take it natural no matter how clouds flow high and low.
Heavenly light shines day after day. / The sun and the moon shine day after day. (Scholia of the Book of History)