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吵死了:Drop dead!(也就是走开的意思)
不开玩笑:I mean it!(我是说真的)
不行:No way!
That is out of the question!
别闹了:That's enough!
Cut it out!
Stop it!
如果觉得stop it 语气太强烈,可以用Just stop it.来缓和语气。
你到底在想什么:What on earth are you thinking?
不是这个问题:That's got nothing to do with it!
What are you talking about!
That's not the point!
看你干的好事:Look what you did!
你怎么可以这样:Hou could you (表示的是责备的口气)
不开玩笑:I mean it!(我是说真的)
不行:No way!
That is out of the question!
别闹了:That's enough!
Cut it out!
Stop it!
如果觉得stop it 语气太强烈,可以用Just stop it.来缓和语气。
你到底在想什么:What on earth are you thinking?
不是这个问题:That's got nothing to do with it!
What are you talking about!
That's not the point!
看你干的好事:Look what you did!
你怎么可以这样:Hou could you (表示的是责备的口气)
上一篇:实用口语:Shit 与 
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1.Whatever. 随便 2.It's up to you. 这取决于你。 3.Anything you say. 随你 -
【如何哭穷】1. low on cash 缺钱花;2. poor as a church mouse 一贫如洗; -
快说别磨蹭,受不了别人说话吞吞吐吐?Let's get to it. 我们有话直说吧。 -
【中国谚语】1. 新官上任三把火。A new broom sweeps clean. 2.谋事在人,成事在天。 -
【想“脱光”时你可以这样表达】 1. Set me up for a blind date.帮我安排一次相亲。 2.May I hook you up with someone?能把你介绍给某人吗?