n. 表演,表现; 履行,实行
n. 性能,本
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In this episode WebWare’s CEO Philip Hart sacks his Sales Director for underperforming. Philip uses 2 expressions to do this. The first is I’m going to have to let you go which is quite a gentle way of expressing the fact. The second is You’re fired, which is a little more direct.
There are even more ways to express this in English. Dismiss and discharge are both quite formal:
He was dismissed for turning up late on a regular basis.
The director was discharged of his duties.
Dismiss: to remove someone from their job 免...的职;解雇;开除
He was dismissed from his job.
Discharge: to give sb official permission to leave a place or job; to make sb leave a job
She was discharged from the police force for bad conduct.
Other less formal, but more colorful ways of saying the same thing are:
give someone the axe
give someone their cards
give someone the boot

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