adj. 相关的,切题的,中肯的
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Hi Jess, can you put me through to Marcia in HR please?
Hi Marcia. It’s Philip here. Listen, I’ve had to let Brian go. He lost us the DollarMart account. Yeah, but it had been going on for a while, he just wasn’t pulling his weight anymore. He’d been warned – his last performance review was really bad. He knew it was coming...
So - we’ll be looking for someone new and we’ll need to decide on who that is...
Who are we looking for? Good question...I was hoping you might be able to help me with that! Here’s what I’m thinking and let me know if you agree.
Well, obviously, they’ll need to have a first degree, doesn’t matter what subject, and then a masters or an MBA, I’d say.
Experience? At least five years relevant experience, in an international company – I want somebody with a proven track record. Oh they have to be a team player – Brian never was – so strong interpersonal skills. Oh and I want someone with vision...yes, “vision” – I know it’s difficult to define, but what I mean is, someone who knows we’re in a rapidly changing market, and they can use it to our advantage.
Experience with online sales, perhaps – but yes, I’d be interested in that. Oh, language skills – I can’t emphasise that enough – not necessarily a native speaker, but they must be very good at English, and another language as well, Spanish, or Mandarin is best.
Does that sound ok to you? Great! Ok can you get an ad out on the website as soon as possible, and the trade press, as well? Ok great thanks Marcia I want a new sales director by the end of the month!

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