HR – Human Resources - the personnel department of an organization, dealing with the recruitment, administration, management and training of employees; abbreviated as HR (公司的)人事部,人力资源部
to pull one’s weight - to do the work that one is obligated to. If you don’t pull your weight you are not doing your share of the workload. 做好本职工作
a degree - an award conferred by a college, university, or other postsecondary educational institution as official recognition for the successful completion of a program of studies.
a masters - An advanced degree, past your first degree, but before PhD MBA - a master's degree in business
a track record - someone's past performances viewed as a whole (个人或组织的)业绩记录
a team player –someone who works well as part of a team
interpersonal skills – the ability to relate well to other people 人际交往技巧
vision – a term used to describe an image of the future. In business terms it is a clear, detailed picture of what can be achieved.
trade press – magazines and newspapers that are written for a particular sector of an industry