普通口语:develope into
地道口语:blossom into
Narrator: Lying in the dark, Chuck considered how she came to be lying in the dark. She considered the life thatwas with Aunts Lily and Vivian. Their personality disorders blossomed into incapacitating social phobias, which made it difficult for them to leave the house. Which in turn made it difficult for Chuck to leave them. She served her community by harvesting honey for the homeless. She never strayed far from home. She read about people she could never be, on adventures she would never have. Life was good enough, until one day, it wasn't: Chuck wanted more. But at Boutique Travel Travel Boutique, she got more than she bargained for ...
blossom into
blossom本意是开花,那么blossom into就是指植物从含苞待放,到鲜花开足的过程。当然这是本义,引申出了我们这边用到的意思,等于develope into,解释成“发展成为、长成为”。比如She blossom into a lovely young lady.——她长成了一个招人喜欢的小姑娘。又比如(咳嗽~)Can their friendship blossom into romance?——他俩的友谊能发展成为爱情么?(咳嗽~~)觉得这个词比develope into比develope into更生动,不妨在写作的时候考虑用一下这个词。