in the pink: in good health 满面红光;容光焕发
bog something/somebody down (in something) make something sink into mud or wet ground 使某人╱某物陷进烂泥(或泥沼)
The tank became bogged down in mud. 坦克陷入了烂泥中. prevent somebody from making progress in an activity 妨碍;阻碍
We mustn't get bogged down in details. 我们一定不能因细节问题误事.
off colour: not in good health; looking or feeling ill 身体不舒服;气色不佳;有病
Jo seems a little off colour today. 乔今天好像身体有点不舒服.
wear yourself/somebody out: to make yourself/somebody feel very tired 使疲乏;使筋疲力尽;使厌烦
The kids have totally worn me out. 孩子们简直把我烦透了.
You'll wear yourself out if you carry on working so hard. 你要是继续这样拼命工作,身体会吃不消的.
work wonders
to achieve very good results 创造奇迹;取得优良的成绩;产生良好的效果
Her new diet and exercise programme has worked wonders for her. 她新的饮食和锻炼计划对她产生了奇效.