Something fishy, 就是一个表示“事有蹊跷;有猫腻,不对劲儿”的短语。Fishy, 可疑的;靠不住的。
A:What’s wrong with you? Why don’t you pay the money? What are you waiting for? It can’t be cheaper. 你怎么了?你怎么不付款呢?你还在等什么?价钱不可能更便宜了。
B:Listen. It appeared to be a real bargain, but I could feel something fishy because the man was in such a hurry to sell it. 听着,这个价钱真是便宜,可是这人那么急急忙忙地出售让我感到哪儿不对劲儿。
I was offered an unbelievably good business opportunity, but there was something fishy about it. 有人给我提供了一个好的出奇的商业机会,但是我总觉得事情没那么简单。
A lot of strange people are coming in and out of the house recently. There’s something fishy going on. 最近那座房子总有陌生人进进出出,那里一定有什么猫腻儿。
He said he couldn’t have classes because he was ill, but I feel something fishy and think he went to see the last day of the match. 他说他因为有病不能来上课了。不过我有点怀疑。我认为他是去看最后一天的比赛了。
超出意料的好事儿降临到自己头上的时候,保持清醒还是相当必要的。没有免费的午餐,也许你得到的不是个大馅饼,而是后面拴着鱼线的吊钩呢。好了,something fishy, 猫腻儿,事有蹊跷。我们就先介绍到这里。下期再见。