背景音乐:Air Supply - Every Woman In The World
例句1:He expected Godwin to be elected President but as it happened, he backed the wrong horse.
短语:back the wrong horse
释义:If you back the wrong horse, you give your support to the losing side in something.
解析:有一种赌博是赌马,如果你Back the Wrong Horse,意思是你下错赌注,站错队支持了失败的一方。
举一反三: Oh well, I guess we should have known that this marketing campaign wouldn’t work. We just backed the wrong horse this time.哦,我们本来应该明白这次市场活动不会成功的。我们只是失策了。
例句2:If you keep riding your high horse, you will lose your best friend.
短语:on your high horse
释义:When someone is on their high horse, they are being inflexible, arrogant and will not make any compromises.
解析:字面上来理解就是在高马上,说一个人on their high horse骑在高马上,是说他们不灵活、傲慢,并且不会做出任何让步。给人一种架子十足盛气凌人的感觉,那么这个短语的意思就是趾高气扬。
举一反三:Gabrielle: Don't get on your high horse with me. I know what's good for me.
例句3:Anna's such a dark horse--I had no idea she'd published a novel.
短语:dark horse
释义:If someone is a dark horse, they are a bit of a mystery and we don't know how they will react or perform.
举一反三:A dark horse candidate came from behind to win the election.