背景音乐:Dala - Levi Blues
例句1:Did you hear that Sally and Bob are going to get married. I'm not joking. I heard it from Bob himself, so it's straight from the horse's mouth!
短语:from the horse's mouth
英文释义:If you hear something from the horse's mouth, you hear it directly from the person concerned or responsible.
短语解析:Straight from the horse's mouth,从字面上来解释它的意思是:直接来自马的嘴巴。可是,这个俗语的真正意思是:你听到的消息是真实的,因为这消息来自可靠的来源。因为远在人们还没有使用汽车的年代,人们是依靠马作为他们主要的交通工具,认为马是十分可靠的。
举一反三:I tell you I know for certain that Lisa will be promoted to manager. The boss told me himself, so it's straight from the horse's mouth!
例句2:I am so hungry, I could eat a horse.
短语:could eat a horse
英文释义:If you are very hungry, you could eat a horse.
举一反三:After a hard day's work, John could eat a horse. 辛苦了一整天,约翰觉得饥肠辘辘。
例句3:To get married first and then get a job is getting the cart before the horse.
短语:Putting the cart before the horse
英文释义:When you put the cart before the horse, you are doing something the wrong way round. you try to do things in the wrong order.
短语解析:马拉车,当然是车应该在马的后面,不能把车放在马的前面。所以呢如果你put the cart before the horse,那么你的做法是不对的,你的行为反过来了。这个短语的意思就是本末倒置,其中的put也可以替换为get,而cart还可以用carriage来表达。
举一反三:They had bought all their furniture before they had a house; this is really putting the cart before the horse! 他们还没有房子就买了全部家具,这真是本末倒置。