1.表述:lame duck
释义:Someone or something that needs help.(需要帮助的人,无用的人)
例句:The company started as a lame duck that was saved by an innovative entrepreneur who decided to take some risks and go in a new direction.
The water plant is a lame duck and the worker reacted with anger and frustration to the closure of the factory.
2.表述:fly in the ointment
释义: A small, unpleasant matter that spoils something. (美中不足)
例句:The only fly in the ointment in an otherwise perfect wedding day was the fact that the bride tripped when walking down the aisle.
We enjoyed the play, but the fly in the ointment was not being able to find my hat afterward.
It sounds like a good idea but there must be a fly in the ointment somewhere.
I like the house but the fly in the ointment is that the commute is a little far away from my company.
3. 表述:white elephant
释义: An expensive item that is troublesome or useless. (昂贵而无用的重物)
例句:At first, Eve was excited to inherit the farm, but it soon proved to be a white elephant she couldn't afford.
Bob's father-in-law has given him an old Rolls Royce, but it's a real white elephant. He has no place to park it and can't afford the gas for it.
Those antique vases Aunt Mary gave me are white elephants. They're ugly and I have no place to put them.