1.表述:smart aleck
释义:One who makes jokes and uses sarcasm in an attempt to seem witty, but instead is deemed annoying. (自作聪明的人,自以为是的人)
例句:I'd had enough of that smart aleck's wisecracks, so I left the party early.
He is nothing more than a smart aleck, despised by his colleagues.
2.表述:visiting fireman
释义:A visitor to some place or organization who is given preferential treatment due to their perceived importance, influence, or inclination to spend large sums of money. (远方的客人,挥土如金的贵宾)
例句:The world-famous rapper is always treated like a visiting fireman when he comes to the casino, given the very finest food, drink, and entertainment while he spends enormous sums at the tables.
We have a couple of visiting firemen coming today.
The district attorney was something of a visiting fireman in the office today, with everyone bending over backwards for her at turn.