B for Busy:《爱情神话》,如果要直译,可以说The myth of love; The mystery of love;
A rom-com about the love lives of middle-aged people: 聚焦中年人爱情的浪漫喜剧
Love matters regardless of how old you are; Love is ageless: 电影海报上的宣传语--“不管几岁,爱情万岁”
A love letter to Shanghai: 写给上海的一封情书
Shanghai dialect/Shanghainese: 上海话
Local language: 方言
Magical city, glamourous city: 魔都
Architecture: 建筑
The French Concession: 法租界
Western-style houses: 老洋房
Western-style apartments: 西式老公寓
Heritage buildings: 历史建筑
Art deco: 装饰艺术风格
The Bund: 外滩
Alley, lane: 弄堂
Shikumen, lane houses: 石库门, 里弄房子
Nostalgic: 怀旧的、有怀旧气息的
Sophisticated: 精致。虽然词典里有精明世故的意思,但在英语里这个词基本上是褒义的
Petite bourgeois : 进入英语的法语词,意思是小资, 小布尔乔亚。Bourgeois发音是 /?b?r?.wɑ?/
Style conscious: 注重打扮的、会打扮的
Detail-oriented: 细致的、注重细节的
Practical, pragmatic: 实际、务实的
Shanghai cuisine: 上海菜、本帮菜
Red, shiny and sweet: 浓油赤酱,甜
Cold dishes, appetizers: 冷菜
Sweet lotus root with sticky rice: 桂花糖藕
Western style desserts, patisserie: 西点
Palmier: 蝴蝶酥
What is Shanghai to you? 你眼里的上海是什么样的?
I was too busy to enjoy life in Shanghai. If I had a second chance, I would fully take the city in and savor every moment of it: 我很遗憾在上海生活的日子太忙于工作。如果有机会再回去,我要好好享受和品味上海。
Shanghai is very glitzy and glamorous. It's full of opportunities. It's a place where you can make it happen. But ultimately Shanghai is home: 上海很繁华、很华丽、充满机遇,是一个可以成就自己的地方。但最重要的是上海是我的家乡。