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Human populations near the equator haveevolved dark skin over many generations because of exposure to the fierce raysof the Sun. A similar phenomenon has also occurred in other parts of the animalkingdom. The African grass mouse is a good example. Most mice are______,but the African grass mouse is active during daylight hours. This means that itspends its days searching for food in the semidry bush and______habitats of eastern andsouthern Africa. Its______is______, like a______, which helps it blend in withits environment. Because it spends a lot of time in the intense______sun, the grass mouse has also evolved two separate safeguards against the Sun's______radiation. First, like the populations of humans in this region of the world,the skin of the grass mouse contains lots of______, or dark______. Second, and quite unusual,this mouse has a layer of melanin-pigmented______between its______and skin. This unique "cap" provides an extra measure of protectionfor the grass mouse and three other types of African mouse-like rodents thatare active during the day. The only other species scientists have identifiedwith the same sort of skull adaptation is the white tent-making bat of theCentral American tropics. Although these bats sleep during the day, they do socurled up with their heads exposed to the sun.