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Donny:Exactly, but they are very important, as well.


Donny:You're right. As a matter of fact, many famous actors started out as extras.

WQ:没错,很多大腕儿都是从跑龙套开始。对了,"大腕儿" 美语怎么说?

Donny:大腕儿是 Big Shot. B-I-G, big, S-H-O-T, shot, big-shot.

WQ:Big shot! 这个好记。唉,我也好想当明星啊!可是以我这样的条件,最多也只能当个替身。那 Donny,替身又该怎么说呢?

Donny:替身是 "stunt-double." Stunt-doubles are used when special skills are needed for a performance, for example, playing the piano, dancing or car racing.

WQ:stunt是特技,所以 stunt-double 就是替身。糟糕,这些特技我一个都不会,看来,我连替身演员 stunt-double 都做不成!

Donny:别这么说,你可以跟我学好美语,做为你的才艺啊!Now let's see what you've learned today.

WQ:第一,跑龙套的/群众演员是extra 或者walk-on.

第二,大腕儿是 big shot.

第三,替身是 stunt-double.

这次的“美语怎么说”就到这里了。如果你也有不会说的词,请写信给Donny, 电邮请寄

A:没错,a lot of big shots started as extras. 好多大明星都是从跑龙套开始的!现在看老电影,经常能发现成名前的大明星在里面演路人甲什么的。

B:Some of them also started as stunt doubles.

A:对!我觉得替身演员比跑龙套的更不容易,他们经常做些危险的事。If you asked me to choose, I'd choose to be an extra, not a stunt double.

B:What if I asked you to be an extra, but you had to play a dead body?


B:But what if I told you this was for CSI?


B:Haha, I bet a lot of people would love to be seen on CSI!


GoEnglish:TV Advanced


Professor:Will and Jane are on a date and talking about what kind of TV shows they like to watch, and it so happens that Will loves TV crime dramas.

Winnie:Crime drama 就是“侦破片”,Professor Bowman, 我听说最近几年,crime drama 已经是美国最受欢迎的电视剧了。这是为什么呢?

Professor:Let's see what Will and Jane have to say about it.

Jane:So Will, you really like crime dramas, huh? Why are you so into them?

Will:I really want to become a lawyer one day, so I think watching shows like "Law and Order" is pretty good preparation for my future career.

Jane:Oh come on... that show is so boring. Each show has the same plot. The police arrest someone for a crime, and then he goes to trial.

Will:No way! It's totally interesting the way it shows how the American justice system works. If it were so boring, why would there be so many spinoffs?

Jane:Well that's one thing we can agree on. There are definitely a lot of cookie-cutter spinoffs.

Winnie:"Law and Order"——“法律与秩序”, 讲的是警察侦破罪案,法庭审案的故事。Will喜欢看这个片子,因为他可以从中学到关于美国司法系统的一些知识。

Professor:That's right. Will likes it, but what does Jane think about the show?


Professor:Exactly. You know, you can call other things spinoffs too. For example, "The new Italian restaurant was so popular that there were soon three other spinoffs, all exactly the same, on the same block. "

Winnie:对了,Jane还用到了cookie cutter这个词,cookie cutter就是做饼干时切面的模子。Professor, 在这里,cookie cutter 是不是指“千篇一律的东西”呢?

Professor:Yes! For example, I could say that I never believe my students when they give me cookie-cutter excuses for why they didn't do their homework, like saying that their dog ate it.

Jane:Well what are some of the other crime dramas you like?

Will:Do you know the show Crime Scene Investigation? We usually call it CSI. It's about a team of police. investigators solving crimes in Las Vegas.

Jane:Sure, I've heard of CSI. What other shows do you like?

Will:There are lots of other great crime dramas. There is also CSI New York and CSI Miami.

Jane:Will ... can't you see that those are all the same show! They just happen in different cities!

Will:No way! They're all totally different. And besides, they all get really good ratings and rave reviews.

Winnie:CSI——“犯罪现场调查”,也是个非常红的电视剧!后来的CSI New York 和CSI Miami就是最初那版CSI的spinoffs。

Professor:That's right. But what does Will say?

Winnie:他说,这些电视剧都得到了good ratings——高收视率,还有rave reviews——非常好的评论。

Professor:That's right, Winnie. The word "rave" is often used as a verb, meaning to praise something highly.

Winnie:rave 通常是动词,意思是“极力赞扬”。您能举个例子吗?

Professor:Well, I decided to take my next vacation in Greece after my sister came back from her visit there raving about how great it was.

Will:You know, all this talk reminds me that CSI Miami is coming on pretty soon. Do you mind if I cut our date short so I can get home to watch it?

Jane:You want to end our date early just so you can go home and watch TV? Was the last episode a real cliffhanger, and you have to see tonight's episode?

Will:Yeah! I can't wait to get home so I can see the sequel.

Jane:Well I hope you enjoy it, Will, because there will definitely not be a sequel to this date!

Winnie:Will居然要提前结束约会,赶回家看今晚播出的CSI Miami?我看这只是个借口吧! 不过,Professor, Jane提到一个词——cliffhanger,这是什么意思?

Professor:A "cliffhanger" is a chapter of a book or an episode of a TV show that ends without resolving the plot.

Winnie:哦,我明白了,cliffhanger这个词由两个部分组成:cliff——悬崖,hanger——悬挂物,所以,cliffhanger就好比是有人在悬崖边,命悬一线! 指的是书和电视中那种有悬念、令人紧张的情节!

A:现在电视剧都爱跟风,If one show gets high ratings and rave reviews, the market will be flooded with cookie-cutter spinoffs.

B:没错! That's why original ideas are so precious.


B:That's very true! Now let's listen to "Business Etiquette". Lisa is complaining that her good ideas are not taken seriously by the company.

Business Etiquette:Looking for a change II

重点单词   查看全部解释    
ceremony ['seriməni]


n. 典礼,仪式,礼节,礼仪

block [blɔk]


n. 街区,木块,石块
n. 阻塞(物), 障

popular ['pɔpjulə]


adj. 流行的,大众的,通俗的,受欢迎的

resume [ri'zju:m]


v. 再继续,重新开始
n. 简历,履历; 摘

bowl [bəul]


n. 碗,碗状物,季后赛,圆形露天剧场

committed [kə'mitid]


adj. 献身于某种事业的,委托的

etiquette ['eti'ket]


n. 礼仪,礼节,成规

kindle ['kindl]


v. 燃烧,使 ... 著火,引起,激发

scene [si:n]


n. 场,景,情景

insurance [in'ʃuərəns]


n. 保险,保险费,安全措施


关键字: 英语 美语 训练班




