TEXT:Reed is awed by the sight. When I look down and see the prodigious fleet they have collected, I cannot help being astonished that a people should come 3,000 miles at such risk, trou ble and expense to rob, plunder and destroy another people because they will not lay their lives and fortune at their feet. It's the biggest attack on New York City until September 11, 2001. But the Rebels will stand and fight. The difference for me was that the British Army was fighting for a king and the Americans were fighting for their lives.Plumb Martin is one of 500 men standing guard at Kips Bay. Have a look. The first thing that saluted our eyes was all four ships at anchor within musket shot of us. "The Phoenix". I could read her name as distinctly as though I was directly underneath her stern. Pull out your gun! The assault begins. September 1776. New York is under fire. In one hour...2,500 British cannonballs smash the Rebel defenses at Kips Bay. 4,000 British troops storm Manhattan. Tough and battle -hardened, a British redcoat has six times more combat experience than a Patriot Army recruit. Get back in your lines!Washington watches his army collapse. Hold the line, men! They retreat along an ancient Native American path that will later be known as Broadway.