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来源:可可英语 编辑:Jasmine   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
Chapter 11 The Pace Quickens第11章 步伐加快了
QUICK as lightning, Rishda Tarkaan leaped back out of reach of the King's sword. He was no coward, and would have fought single-handed against Tirian and the Dwarf if need were. But he could not take on the Eagle and the Unicorn as well. He knew how Eagles can fly into your face and peck at your eyes and blind you with their wings. And he had heard from his father (who had met Narnians in battle) that no man, except with arrows, or a long spear, can match a Unicorn, for it rears on its hind legs as it falls upon you and then you have its hoofs and its horn and its teeth to deal with all at once. So he rushed into the crowd and stood calling out:迅速如闪电,“泰坎”利什达跳了回去,国王的剑砍不到他了。他倒不是个懦夫,如果需要,他会独自一人跟蒂莲和小矮人们作战的。但他没法儿对付老鹰,也没法儿对付独角兽。他知道老鹰如何飞到你脸上啄你的眼睛,而且用翅膀遮得你看也看不出。他还从他父亲那里听说过(他在战争中碰到过纳尼亚军队):除非射箭或使用长矛,没有人能战胜独角兽的,因为独角兽向你扑上来时,就用后腿站起来了,那时你就得立刻同时对付它的蹄子、独角和牙齿。所以利什达奔到群众里头,站着喊道:
"To me, to me, warriors of The Tisroc, may-he-liveforever. To me, all loyal Narnians, lest the wrath of Tashlan fall upon you!"“听我的,听我的指挥,‘蒂斯罗克’(愿他万寿无疆)的战士们。听我的,一切忠诚的纳尼亚子民们,不然的话,塔什兰的愤怒就要落到你们身上了!”
While this was happening two other things happened as well. The Ape had not realized his danger as quickly as the Tarkaan. For a second or so he remained squatting beside the fire staring at the newcomers. Then Tirian rushed upon the wretched creature, picked it up by the scruff of the neck, and dashed back to the stable shouting, "Open the door!" Poggin opened it.这件事发生的时候,还同时发生了另外两件事。无尾猿不像那“泰坎”那样迅速地认识到处境的危险。大约有一两秒钟,它依旧蹲在篝火旁,定晴望着新来的野兽们。接着蒂莲就向那倒霉的家伙猛扑过去,抓住它的颈背把它拎了起来,然后冲回马厩,大叫道:“开门。”波金打开马厩的门。
"Go and drink your own medicine, Shift!" said Tirian and hurled the Ape through into the darkness. But as the Dwarf banged the door shut again, a blinding greenish-blue light shone out from the inside of the stable, the earth shook, and there was a strange noise - a clucking and screaming as if it was the hoarse voice of some monstrous bird. The Beasts moaned and howled and called out "Tashlan! Hide us from him!" and many fell down, and many hid their faces in their wings or paws. No one except Farsight the Eagle, who has the best eyes of all living things, noticed the face of Rishda Tarkaan at that moment. And from what Farsight saw there he knew at once that Rishda was just as surprised, and nearly frightened, as everyone else. "There goes one," thought Farsight, "who has called on gods he does not believe in. How will it be with him if they have really come?"“诡谲,进去喝你自己的药吧!”蒂莲一边说,一边把无尾猿往马厩里的黑暗中扔了进去。但小矮人砰的一声重新把门关上时,一道令人目眩的蓝绿色的强光从马厩里照射出来,大地震动了,响起了一种奇怪的声音——一种咯咯的叫嚣声,仿佛是某种怪鸟嘶哑的叫声。野兽们呜咽、号哭、大声呼喊。“塔什兰!遮掩我们,别让它看见!”许多禽兽倒下了,许多禽兽把自己的脸躲在翅膀或是脚爪下面。此时此刻,除了生着一切生物中最好的眼睛的老鹰外,没有哪一个注意过 “泰坎”利什达的脸。千里眼老鹰凭它所看到的情况立刻就知道:利什达同大家一模一样的感到奇怪,几乎同大家一样的诚惶诚恐。“一个走了,”老鹰心中想道,“他曾向他并不相信的诸神呼吁。如果诸神真的来了,他将怎么办呢?”
The third thing - which also happened at the same moment - was the only really beautiful thing that night. Every single Talking Dog in the whole meeting (there were fifteen of them) came bounding and barking joyously to the King's side. They were mostly great big dogs with thick shoulders and heavy jaws. Their coming was like the breaking of a great wave on the seabeach: it nearly knocked you down. For though they were Talking Dogs they were just as doggy as they could be: and they all stood up and put their front paws on the shoulders of the humans and licked their faces, all saying at once: "Welcome! Welcome! We'll help, we'll help, help, help. Show us how to help, show us how, how. How-how-how?"也在同时发生的第三件事,是那天夜里真正美丽的事情。大会上的每头会说人话的狗儿(总共十五头)欢乐地跳着吠着跑到国王这边来了。它们大部分是了不得的大狗,肩膀厚实,上下腭厚重。群狗的来势像是巨浪冲击海滩,几乎要把你冲倒。因为,它们虽然是会人话的狗儿,却又是尽可能发挥狗性的狗儿:它们都双脚站了起来,前腿的爪子搭在人的肩膀上,用舌头舔舔人的脸,它们大家立刻说道:“欢迎!欢迎!我们决心帮忙,帮忙,帮忙。告诉我们怎么个帮法,怎么个帮法,怎么,怎么——怎么——怎么?”
It was so lovely that it made you want to cry. This, at last, was the sort of thing they had been hoping for. And when, a moment later, several little animals (mice and moles and a squirrel or so) came pattering up, squealing with joy, and saying "See, see. We're here," and when, after that, the Bear and the Boar came too, Eustace began to feel that perhaps, after all, everything might be going to come right. But Tirian gazed round and saw how very few of the animals had moved. 这情景是那么动人,叫你简直想哭;因为,他们一直盼望的那种情景,最后终于出现了。片刻之后,当几只小动物(老鼠和鼹鼠,以及一只松鼠什么的)嗒嗒地走来,欢乐地吱吱乱叫,并且说道:“瞧,瞧,我们来了。”在此之后,当熊和野猪也来了,尤斯塔斯开始觉得,也许,毕竟一切都可能变得顺利了。但蒂莲向四周打量,看到了已在有所行动的野兽只是极少数。

Chapter 11 The Pace Quickens

QUICK as lightning, Rishda Tarkaan leaped back out of reach of the King's sword. He was no coward, and would have fought single-handed against Tirian and the Dwarf if need were. But he could not take on the Eagle and the Unicorn as well. He knew how Eagles can fly into your face and peck at your eyes and blind you with their wings. And he had heard from his father (who had met Narnians in battle) that no man, except with arrows, or a long spear, can match a Unicorn, for it rears on its hind legs as it falls upon you and then you have its hoofs and its horn and its teeth to deal with all at once. So he rushed into the crowd and stood calling out:

"To me, to me, warriors of The Tisroc, may-he-liveforever. To me, all loyal Narnians, lest the wrath of Tashlan fall upon you!"

While this was happening two other things happened as well. The Ape had not realized his danger as quickly as the Tarkaan. For a second or so he remained squatting beside the fire staring at the newcomers. Then Tirian rushed upon the wretched creature, picked it up by the scruff of the neck, and dashed back to the stable shouting, "Open the door!" Poggin opened it.

"Go and drink your own medicine, Shift!" said Tirian and hurled the Ape through into the darkness. But as the Dwarf banged the door shut again, a blinding greenish-blue light shone out from the inside of the stable, the earth shook, and there was a strange noise - a clucking and screaming as if it was the hoarse voice of some monstrous bird. The Beasts moaned and howled and called out "Tashlan! Hide us from him!" and many fell down, and many hid their faces in their wings or paws. No one except Farsight the Eagle, who has the best eyes of all living things, noticed the face of Rishda Tarkaan at that moment. And from what Farsight saw there he knew at once that Rishda was just as surprised, and nearly frightened, as everyone else. "There goes one," thought Farsight, "who has called on gods he does not believe in. How will it be with him if they have really come?"

The third thing - which also happened at the same moment - was the only really beautiful thing that night. Every single Talking Dog in the whole meeting (there were fifteen of them) came bounding and barking joyously to the King's side. They were mostly great big dogs with thick shoulders and heavy jaws. Their coming was like the breaking of a great wave on the seabeach: it nearly knocked you down. For though they were Talking Dogs they were just as doggy as they could be: and they all stood up and put their front paws on the shoulders of the humans and licked their faces, all saying at once: "Welcome! Welcome! We'll help, we'll help, help, help. Show us how to help, show us how, how. How-how-how?"

It was so lovely that it made you want to cry. This, at last, was the sort of thing they had been hoping for. And when, a moment later, several little animals (mice and moles and a squirrel or so) came pattering up, squealing with joy, and saying "See, see. We're here," and when, after that, the Bear and the Boar came too, Eustace began to feel that perhaps, after all, everything might be going to come right. But Tirian gazed round and saw how very few of the animals had moved.

第11章 步伐加快了




“诡谲,进去喝你自己的药吧!”蒂莲一边说,一边把无尾猿往马厩里的黑暗中扔了进去。但小矮人砰的一声重新把门关上时,一道令人目眩的蓝绿色的强光从马厩里照射出来,大地震动了,响起了一种奇怪的声音——一种咯咯的叫嚣声,仿佛是某种怪鸟嘶哑的叫声。野兽们呜咽、号哭、大声呼喊。“塔什兰!遮掩我们,别让它看见!”许多禽兽倒下了,许多禽兽把自己的脸躲在翅膀或是脚爪下面。此时此刻,除了生着一切生物中最好的眼睛的老鹰外,没有哪一个注意过 “泰坎”利什达的脸。千里眼老鹰凭它所看到的情况立刻就知道:利什达同大家一模一样的感到奇怪,几乎同大家一样的诚惶诚恐。“一个走了,”老鹰心中想道,“他曾向他并不相信的诸神呼吁。如果诸神真的来了,他将怎么办呢?”



重点单词   查看全部解释    
unicorn ['ju:nikɔ:n]


n. (传说中的)独角兽

shift [ʃift]


n. 交换,变化,移动,接班者
v. 更替,移

stable ['steibl]


adj. 稳定的,安定的,可靠的
n. 马厩,

horn [hɔ:n]


n. 动物角,喇叭,触角,角状物,力量源泉

lightning ['laitniŋ]


n. 闪电
adj. 闪电般的,快速的

coward ['kauəd]


n. 懦夫
adj. 胆小的

dwarf [dwɔ:f]


n. 矮子,侏儒
vt. 使矮小

squirrel ['skwirəl]


n. 松鼠,松鼠皮毛
vt. 储存

fell [fel]


n. 兽皮

spear [spiə]


n. 矛(正负电子对撞机)
vt 用矛刺





