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来源:可可英语 编辑:Jasmine   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
"To me! to me!" he called. "Have you all turned cowards since I was your King?"“听我的!听我的指挥!”他呼唤道,“自从我成了你们的国王,难道你们都变成懦夫了吗?”
"We daren't," whimpered dozens of voices. "Tashlan would be angry. Shield us from Tashlan."“我们,我们不敢,”十几个声音呜呜咽咽地说道,“塔什兰会震怒的。替我们挡住塔什兰吧。”
"Where are all the Talking Horses?" said Tirian to the Boar.“所有会说人话的马儿都到哪儿去了?”蒂莲问道。
"We've seen, we've seen," squealed the Mice. "The Ape has made them work. They're all tied - down at the bottom of the hill."“我们见过的,见过的,”老鼠吱吱地说道,“无尾猿叫它们干活。它们都累极了——在小山底下干活。”
"Then all you little ones," said Tirian, "you nibblers and gnawers and nutcrackers, away with you as fast as you can scamper and see if the Horses are on our side. And if they are, get your teeth into the ropes and gnaw till the Horses are free and bring them hither."“你们这些小不点儿们,”蒂莲说道,“你们这些能啃、能啮、能咬碎硬壳的小不点儿们,你们能跳跳蹦蹦得多快,就尽量快跑到山底下去,去看看马儿是否站在我们这一边。
"With a good will, Sire," came the small voices, and with a whisk of tails those sharp-eyed and sharp-toothed folk were off. Tirian smiled for mere love as he saw them go. But it was already time to be thinking of other things. Rishda Tarkaan was giving his orders.如果马儿站在我们这一边,那就用你们的牙齿咬断绳索,一直咬到马儿解除束缚,你们就带它们上这儿来。”
"Forward," he said. "Take all of them alive if you can and hurl them into the stable or drive them into it. When they are all in we will put fire to it and make them an offering to the great god Tash."“愿意效劳,陛下。”传来小声的回答,尾巴一甩,这些眼睛尖、牙齿锋利的小家伙就已经跑开了。蒂莲瞧着它们离开时,出于深情厚爱,莞尔微笑,但已经是该考虑其他事情的时候了。“泰坎”利什达正在下达命令哩。
"Ha!" said Farsight to himself. "So that is how he hopes to win Tash's pardon for his unbelief."“冲向前去,”利什达说,“如果办得到的话,活捉他们全体人马,把他们扔进马厩;或者把他们赶到马厩里去。他和大家都进了马厩时,我们就放火烧掉马厩,把他们当做献给伟大的塔什神的祭品。”
The enemy line - about half of Rishda's force - was now moving forward, and Tirian had barely time to give his orders.“哈哈!”老鹰对自己说,“原来他指望用这个办法来争取塔什宽恕他的不信神哩。”敌人的阵线——一半儿是利什达的军队——现在正向前推进,蒂莲勉强来得及下达命令。
"Out on the left, Jill, and try to shoot all you may before they reach us. Boar and Bear next to her. Poggin on my left, Eustace on my right. Hold the right wing, Jewel. Stand by him, Puzzle, and use your hoofs. Hover and strike, Farsight. You Dogs, just behind us. Go in among them after the sword-play has begun. Aslan to our aid!"“吉尔,从左翼出击,竭尽全力在敌人到达之前射出箭去。野猪和熊跟在她的后面。波金在我的左边,尤斯塔斯在我的右边。珍宝守住右翼。迷惑站在珍宝旁边,运用你的蹄子作战。千里眼老鹰,在天空盘旋、出击。你们这些狗儿,就守在我们的后边。刀剑交锋开始后你们就闯到敌人之中去。阿斯兰保佑我们!”
Eustace stood with his heart beating terribly, hoping and hoping that he would be brave. He had never seen anything (though he had seen both a dragon and a seaserpent) that made his blood run so cold as that line of dark-faced bright-eyed men. There were fifteen Calormenes, a Talking Bull of Narnia, Slinkey the Fox, and Wraggle the Satyr. Then he heard twang-and-zipp on his left and one Calormene fell: then twang-andzipp again and the Satyr was down. "Oh, well done, daughter!" came Tirian's voice; and then the enemy were upon them.尤斯塔斯站在那里,心怦怦乱跳,他希望,希望自己会大胆勇敢。他从来没有看见过像面孔墨黑眼睛发亮的队伍那样使他血液冰凉的东西,尽管他看见过一条飞龙和一条海蛇。敌方是十五个卡乐门兵,一头纳尼亚的会说人话的公牛,狐狸斯林基,半神半兽的森林之神拉格尔。然后他听到左边儿嘣的一响、嗖的一声,一个卡乐门士兵应声倒下了;接着又是蹦的一响、嗖的一声,半神半兽的森林之神也应声倒下了。“啊,射得好,女儿!”传来了蒂莲的赞美声;接着是敌人向他们进攻。

"To me! to me!" he called. "Have you all turned cowards since I was your King?"

"We daren't," whimpered dozens of voices. "Tashlan would be angry. Shield us from Tashlan."

"Where are all the Talking Horses?" said Tirian to the Boar.

"We've seen, we've seen," squealed the Mice. "The Ape has made them work. They're all tied - down at the bottom of the hill."

"Then all you little ones," said Tirian, "you nibblers and gnawers and nutcrackers, away with you as fast as you can scamper and see if the Horses are on our side. And if they are, get your teeth into the ropes and gnaw till the Horses are free and bring them hither."

"With a good will, Sire," came the small voices, and with a whisk of tails those sharp-eyed and sharp-toothed folk were off. Tirian smiled for mere love as he saw them go. But it was already time to be thinking of other things. Rishda Tarkaan was giving his orders.

"Forward," he said. "Take all of them alive if you can and hurl them into the stable or drive them into it. When they are all in we will put fire to it and make them an offering to the great god Tash."

"Ha!" said Farsight to himself. "So that is how he hopes to win Tash's pardon for his unbelief."

The enemy line - about half of Rishda's force - was now moving forward, and Tirian had barely time to give his orders.

"Out on the left, Jill, and try to shoot all you may before they reach us. Boar and Bear next to her. Poggin on my left, Eustace on my right. Hold the right wing, Jewel. Stand by him, Puzzle, and use your hoofs. Hover and strike, Farsight. You Dogs, just behind us. Go in among them after the sword-play has begun. Aslan to our aid!"

Eustace stood with his heart beating terribly, hoping and hoping that he would be brave. He had never seen anything (though he had seen both a dragon and a seaserpent) that made his blood run so cold as that line of dark-faced bright-eyed men. There were fifteen Calormenes, a Talking Bull of Narnia, Slinkey the Fox, and Wraggle the Satyr. Then he heard twang-and-zipp on his left and one Calormene fell: then twang-andzipp again and the Satyr was down. "Oh, well done, daughter!" came Tirian's voice; and then the enemy were upon them.












重点单词   查看全部解释    
shield ['ʃi:ld]


n. 盾,防卫物,盾状物
vt. 保护,遮蔽

stable ['steibl]


adj. 稳定的,安定的,可靠的
n. 马厩,

strike [straik]


n. 罢工,打击,殴打
v. 打,撞,罢工,划

gnaw [nɔ:]


v. 咬,侵蚀

fell [fel]


n. 兽皮

hover ['hʌvə]


vi. 盘旋,翱翔,徘徊
n. 盘旋,翱翔,徘

hurl [hə:l]


n. 用力的投掷
v. 用力投掷,愤慨地说出,

pardon ['pɑ:dn]


n. 原谅,赦免
vt. 宽恕,原谅

puzzle ['pʌzl]


n. 谜,难题,迷惑
vt. 使困惑,使为难<





