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小学综合英语 4A Unit 12 The House In The Hill

来源:听力教室 编辑:Ookamie   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


Unit 12 The House In The Hill
One day the children had a school picnic in the Forest Park.
They found an old house.'Can we go inside?'Patsy asked.
The door was closed but it was not locked.
John pushed it and it opened.
'You go in first,'John said to Peter.'No,You go in first,'Peter said.
'Oh,all right,'John said.He was frightened but he walked into house.
'There isn't anyone here,'he said.'You can come in.'
The children went into the house.
It was old but the walls were strong.The floor was dirty but it was dry.
'Look,'Patsy said.'There's another room' She went into the second room.
'This room is bigger than the first,'she said,'and it's got a tap.'
She turned on the tap but there wasn't any water.
'It's a good place,'Peter said,
'but it's a long way from home.' 'It can be our secret place,'John said.
Sally Structure
The door was closed but it was not locked.
The walls were old but they were strong.
The floor was dirty but it was dry.
It's a good place but it's a long way from home.
Peter was frightened but he walked into the house.
Patsy turned on the tap but there wasn't any water.
Alan:We have a new flat.
Susan:You're lucky.
Alan:It's not very big but it's in a quiet street.
Susan:How many bedrooms does it have?
Alan:It only has two bedrooms. but they're big ones.
Susan:What floor is it on?
Alan:It's only on the third floor,but I can see the harbour.
Susan:Is it near an MTR station?
Alan:No,but buses and trams stop outside.

关键字: 英语 综合 小学 4A




