Stare at,glare at 与 Look at 的区别:
look at指把眼睛转向目标,译成“看,看着”;stare at 表示由于吃惊、害怕或深思而张大眼睛看,译成“盯着,注视,凝视”,glanceat指“匆匆一看,一瞥” 。
例句:She stared at the footprint,full of fear.
她两眼盯着脚印,满心恐惧 。
I’d like to look at your photo.
我想看看你的照片 。
The middle-aged woman glanced at her watch and hurried off.
那位中年妇女匆匆看了一下表就离开了 。
kick out (常用于口语)撵走; 解雇; 用脚踢; 拼命抵抗
例句:If the new actor is no good, kick him out.
如果那个新来的演员不怎么样就让他走 。
The country's leaders kicked five foreign journalists out of the country.
该国领导将5名外国记者驱逐出境 。
His parents ___ had to give up and bring him home.
无奈之下 他父母最终只能接他回家
Last summer, he ____at the swim club.
去年暑假 他参加了游泳俱乐部
Because your hair would get ___ and your makeup would ___.
因为你怕打湿头发 弄花妆容
【上期答案】 super, exciting
