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诺贝尔文学经典:《宠儿》第1章Part 27

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
"Running," Sethe told her. It was the first word she had spoken all day and it came out thickbecause of her tender tongue. "Them the feet you running on? My Jesus my." She squatted downand stared at Sethe's feet. "You got anything on you, gal, pass for food?""No." Sethe tried to shift to a sitting position but couldn t. "I like to die I'm so hungry." The girlmoved her eyes slowly, examining the greenery around her.“逃跑。”塞丝告诉她。这是她一整天来说的第一个词儿,因为她舌头发软而含混不清。“那就是你逃跑用的脚吗?哎呀我的老天哪。”她蹲下来,盯着塞丝的脚,“你身上带什么东西了吗,姑娘,有吃的吗?”“没有。”塞丝试着换成坐姿,但没成功。“我都要饿死了,”那姑娘慢慢转着眼睛,察看周围的植物。
"Thought there'd be huckleberries. Look like it. That's why I come up in here. Didn't expect to find no nigger woman. If they was any,birds ate em. You like huckleberries?""I'm having a baby, miss."Amy looked at her. "That mean you don't have no appetite? Well I got to eat me something."Combing her hair with her fingers, she carefully surveyed the landscape once more. Satisfiednothing edible was around, she stood up to go and Sethe's heart stood up too at the thought ofbeing left alone in the grass without a fang in her head.“还以为会有越桔呢。看着像有似的。所以我才爬上来的。没打算碰上什么黑鬼女人。就算有,也让鸟儿给吃了。你爱吃越桔吗?”“我就要生了,小姐。”爱弥看着她。“这么说你没有胃口喽?我可得吃点东西。”她用手指梳着头发,又一次仔细地察看四周的景物。她发现周围没什么能吃的,就站起来要走;塞丝想到自己一个人被搁在草丛里,嘴里又没长毒牙,心也一下子提了起来。
"Where you on your way to, miss?"She turned and looked at Sethe with freshly lit eyes. "Boston. Get me some velvet. It's a store therecalled Wilson. I seen the pictures of it and they have the prettiest velvet. They don't believe I'm aget it, but I am."“你这是往哪儿去呀,小姐?”她转过身,用骤然亮起来的眼睛看着塞丝。“波士顿。去找天鹅绒。那里有家商店叫威尔逊。我见过照片,他们那儿有最漂亮的天鹅绒。他们不相信我能找到,可是我能。”

"Running," Sethe told her. It was the first word she had spoken all day and it came out thickbecause of her tender tongue. "Them the feet you running on? My Jesus my." She squatted downand stared at Sethe's feet. "You got anything on you, gal, pass for food?""No." Sethe tried to shift to a sitting position but couldn t. "I like to die I'm so hungry." The girlmoved her eyes slowly, examining the greenery around her.
"Thought there'd be huckleberries. Look like it. That's why I come up in here. Didn't expect to find no nigger woman. If they was any,birds ate em. You like huckleberries?""I'm having a baby, miss."Amy looked at her. "That mean you don't have no appetite? Well I got to eat me something."Combing her hair with her fingers, she carefully surveyed the landscape once more. Satisfiednothing edible was around, she stood up to go and Sethe's heart stood up too at the thought ofbeing left alone in the grass without a fang in her head.
"Where you on your way to, miss?"She turned and looked at Sethe with freshly lit eyes. "Boston. Get me some velvet. It's a store therecalled Wilson. I seen the pictures of it and they have the prettiest velvet. They don't believe I'm aget it, but I am."

重点单词   查看全部解释    
landscape ['lændskeip]


n. 风景,山水,风景画
v. 美化景观

edible ['edibl]


n. 食品,食物
adj. 可食用的

fang [fæŋ]


n. 尖牙

shift [ʃift]


n. 交换,变化,移动,接班者
v. 更替,移

appetite ['æpitait]


n. 嗜好,食欲,欲望

tender ['tendə]


adj. 温柔的,嫩的,脆弱的 ,亲切的,敏感的,未成熟





